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AIM : To create the Core and cavity blocks for the switch bezel which we have designed in the earlier challenge. THEORY : DRAFT ANALYSIS : The Draft Analysis command enables you to detect if the part you drafted will be easily removed. This type of analysis is…
Sai Bhaskar Ramisetty
updated on 29 Jun 2021
To create the Core and cavity blocks for the switch bezel which we have designed in the earlier challenge.
The Draft Analysis command enables you to detect if the part you drafted will be easily removed. This type of analysis is performed based on color ranges identifying zones on the analyzed element where the deviation from the draft direction at any point, corresponds to specified values.
Generally,injection mold has two major components : the movable halve and the fixed halve , during the injecction molding process, these two halves are pressed tightly from a sealed hollow to avoid the melt flow leakage and maintain certain holding pressure, the pressed surface are called parting surface , usually parting surface are the biggest projection outline of the part.
Parting surface design principles :
Parting bsurface design directly affects the product quality , ease of construction and opearation of the injection mold , the mold design is one of the key facctors to success.
Principles to follow to design Parting surface :
Part lines are where the two halves of the mold meet. This generally creates a physical line on a part that is both visible and noticeable to the touch. These lines, however, can be hidden or minimized when placed along edges of the part. When designing a part, always keep in mind its part lines.
To create a plastic part there are two major components core and cavity. The core has the impression and the cavity have the depression.
Design rules:-
When you look at the part we have designed the color highlighted region side is the core side since it have the projections .here we are extrapolating the class A so that we can use it for trimming purposes while creating core and cavity blocks
if we can observe from draft analysis we have done on this component in the previous callenge the A surface and C surface had tooled along A side i.e., "main tooling axis" direction.
so we are considering it as a part of core .for creating core we need untrimmed class C and class B surface which we created before .here we are trimming class B with extrpolated class B.
We have splitting surface between core and cavity i.e., parting surface which defines where the core and cavity is going to split and features which comes after it.
now we are creating a rectangular shape sketch so that can cut off the surface
while creating we also make sure that the boundaries of the sketch is inside the parting surface.
After iso constrainning the sketch we named it as parting surface.then we will extrude it along tooling axis in seperate geometrical set naming "core design" .
later we trim the core along with the parting surface and extruded surface.the image below shows how a core looks like.
and we will extract the boundary and fill the top to make it closed surface so that we will get the core solid block out of it .
here we will use intersection beween x plane with parting surface and core .the pink color shows the core,yellow is the core where it walls are extruded alom and the blue shows the parting surface which split the core and cavity,always ensure to have parting surface on B side
now lets design the cavity now,we follow the same process as above first we will extrude the surfaces/walls along tooling axis direction ,we ignore the component area and rim the body with b surfaceand then fill the bottom portion to make it closed body for solid block/cavity block
here after making cavity block we made the intersection with the X axis again. the image below shows the cavity block which is in green and the blue dotted highlighted is the parting surface
Generally, injection mold has two major components: the movable halve and the fixed halve, during injection molding process, these two halves are pressed tightly and form a sealed hollow to avoid the melt flow leakage and maintain certain holding pressure, the pressed surface are called parting surface, usually parting surface are the biggest projection outline of the part.
parting lline is the area in which parting surface and component meets or core half and cavity half meets/juction between the pating surface and the component
here we will intersect a and c surafce joined together with b surface so that we will get parting line which is clear splitting line between core and cavity .it is very exact juncyion where core and cavity closes at the parting surface and intersectionof th component woth parting surface is the parting line
we have created the parting surface to make sure it is easy for creating core and cavity block but parting surface is actually whatever is outside the component area . so split the parting surface wth the aprting line which gets us the actual parting surface.
the yellow surface image below shows the actual parting surface.
finally we will be translating the parts sepeartely for easy understanding between core,cavity,component,parting line and surface.
Finally we have Created the Core and cavity blocks for the switch bezel that we designed in the last challenge.
I have followed and submitted all the things that are noted down below :
Tree Structure
Ensure Proper Tree Structure
Geometrical sets should have a proper name based on the sketches present inside of it
All the sketches should be created under the Geometrical set
Use the Close Surface feature to make a solid body from the surface.
Publications: Use the publication option and publish the below
Tooling Axis
Switch Bezel Solid / Surface body
Parting Line and Parting Surface
A detailed report should be done explaining the draft analysis and the tooling axis creation.
An explanation should be given on the way of creating the tooling axis particularly the Bisecting method.
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