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AIM: To solve the give set of Ordinary differential equations using Multivariate Newton-Raphson Method Theoritical Background: Newton-Raphson Iteration Let f(x) be a well-behaved function, and let r be a root of the equation f(x) = 0. Of the many iterative root-finding procedures, the Newton-Raphson method, with…
Sachin B N
updated on 20 Jul 2021
AIM: To solve the give set of Ordinary differential equations using Multivariate Newton-Raphson Method
Theoritical Background:
Newton-Raphson Iteration
Let f(x) be a well-behaved function, and let r be a root of the equation f(x) = 0. Of the many iterative root-finding procedures, the Newton-Raphson method, with its combination of simplicity and power, is the most widely used.
Let x0 be a good estimate of 'r' and let r = x0 + h. Since the true root is 'r', and h = r − x0, the number 'h' measures how far the estimate x0 is from the truth. Since h is ‘small,’ we can use the linear (tangent line) approximation to conclude that
and therefore, unless f ‘ (x0) is close to 0,
The next estimate x2 is obtained from x1 in exactly the same way as x1 was obtained from x0:
If xn is the current estimate, then the next estimate xn+1 is given by
Given Differential Equations
For a coupled Ordinary differential equation with multiple variables We need to modify the solver by incorporating column matrices for the guess values and function values. According to Multivariate Newton-Raphson method to get the solution out of coupled non-linear Ordinary differntial equation below equation is used
α --- relaxation factor
J- Jacobian Matrix
F - Function value at new time step size
To convert the differential equation in to non-linear equation we are using Backward differencing method
Using Backward differencing scheme we can rewrite the differential equation as
Python Code:
Program to solve the system of ODE
dy1/dt = -0.04y1 + 10^4 y2.y3
dy2/dt = 0.04y1 - 10^4 y2.y3 - 3.10^7 y2^2
dy3/dt = 3.10^7 y2^2
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv
# Function definition
def f1(y1_old,y1,y2,y3,dt): # First Non-linear equation
return(y1_old + dt*(-0.04*y1+pow(10,4)*y2*y3)-y1)
def f2(y2_old,y1,y2,y3,dt): # Second Non-linear equation
return(y2_old + dt*(0.04*y1-pow(10,4)*y2*y3 -3*pow(10,7)*pow(y2,2)-y2))
def f3(y3_old,y1,y2,y3,dt): # Third Non-linear equation
return(y3_old + dt*(3*pow(10,7)*pow(y2,2))-y3)
# Function to calculate Jacobian Matrix
def Jacobian(y1_old,y2_old,y3_old,y1,y2,y3,dt):
J= np.zeros((3,3))
dy = 1e-4
#Row 1
J[0,0] = (f1(y1_old,y1+dy,y2,y3,dt)-f1(y1_old,y1,y2,y3,dt))/dy
J[0,1] = (f1(y1_old,y1,y2+dy,y3,dt)-f1(y1_old,y1,y2,y3,dt))/dy
J[0,2] = (f1(y1_old,y1,y2,y3+dy,dt)-f1(y1_old,y1,y2,y3,dt))/dy
#Row 2
J[1,0] = (f2(y2_old,y1+dy,y2,y3,dt)-f2(y2_old,y1,y2,y3,dt))/dy
J[1,1] = (f2(y2_old,y1,y2+dy,y3,dt)-f2(y2_old,y1,y2,y3,dt))/dy
J[1,2] = (f2(y2_old,y1,y2,y3+dy,dt)-f2(y2_old,y1,y2,y3,dt))/dy
#Row 3
J[2,0] = (f3(y3_old,y1+dy,y2,y3,dt)-f3(y3_old,y1,y2,y3,dt))/dy
J[2,1] = (f3(y3_old,y1,y2+dy,y3,dt)-f3(y3_old,y1,y2,y3,dt))/dy
J[2,2] = (f3(y3_old,y1,y2,y3+dy,dt)-f3(y3_old,y1,y2,y3,dt))/dy
return J
# Initial Guess value column Matrix
y_old = np.zeros((3,1))
y_old[0] = 1
y_old[1] = 0
y_old[2] = 0
#function column Matrix
F = np.copy(y_old)
tol = 5e-6
dt = 1e-2
t = np.arange(0,36000,dt)
error = 9e9
alpha = 1
iter = 1
for i in range(0,len(t)):
F[0] = f1(y_old[0],y_new[0],y_new[1],y_new[2],dt)
F[1] = f2(y_old[1],y_new[0],y_new[1],y_new[2],dt)
F[2] = f3(y_old[2],y_new[0],y_new[1],y_new[2],dt)
J = Jacobian(y_old[0],y_old[1],y_old[2],y_new[0],y_new[1],y_new[2],dt)
y_new = y_old - alpha*np.matmul(inv(J),F)
error = np.max(np.abs(y_new-y_old))
print('Error = {0}'.format(error))
y_old = y_new
print('The values of y1={0} y2={1} y3={2} at iteration ={3}'.format(y_new[0],y_new[1],y_new[2],iter))
iter = iter + 1
error = 9e9
y1 = 0.616, y2 = 3.01e-6 y3 = 0.821
For Implicit method numerical solution is stable even at larger values of time step. With increase in time step size the results obtained vary significantly in terms of accuracy.
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