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AIM:1.1 How will you assign Circular section to column?Introduction :• Column are the vertical member in the Structure that can be of varing size in dimesions • The circular section of column are provided at the upper floor of the building for the better load carrying andaccess purpose Procedure:• Create…
updated on 17 Jun 2022
1.1 How will you assign Circular section to column?
Introduction :
• Column are the vertical member in the Structure that can be of varing size in dimesions
• The circular section of column are provided at the upper floor of the building for the better load carrying and
access purpose
• Create the model in the staad pro that can be a column
• Go to properties in that Define paramters
• Assign the circular shape of the column
• The radious of the circular is given
1.2: How will you assign Unit system to a.std model file?
• To Assignt unit system in the staad pro
• Go to file menu and then settings
• open the structural settings
• Change the dimentions as the required units
1.3: What are the parameters to be specified while using "Bay Frame" option?
• To create the parameter of the design by Bay frame .
• By clicking on the Structural wizard option
• Click on the frame model option
• click on the Bay frmae option
• Enter the parameters like the lenght, breadth, height and the bay frame along the length, breadth and height
1.4: Name few codal standards incorporated in STAAD Pro software.
• In Staad pro the Codal standard are incorported for the Steel, Concrete, Aluminium.
• For the Steel the codal provision are IS 800, IS 800: 2007, IS 800:2007 WSD, IS 801 .
• For the concrete the Codal provision are the IS 456 and IS 13920 for the Sismic Design
1.5: How will you specify the design compressive strength for a RCC section?
• Go to the Design option .
• Click on the define parameter
• In the design Parameter the FYLD Compressive strength of RCC section is given as 25000 KNm
2:1: State the "Input" steps involved in RCC design.
ANS: Steps Involved in RCC design are
1. Geometry: The Node loaction and the node spacing are given
2. Properties : Specify the Sectional properties of the section
3. materials: Specify the properties of the material
4. Specifications : The pecifictions are given
5. Support: The end support are to be given
6. loading: Need to provide the loading pattern and the loadina combination
7.Analysis:Need to Analysis the modal and all the input specification are given the design are to be done
2.2 Explain the difference between Fixed and Enforced support condition in STAADPro.
• In STAAD, support displacement loads cannot be applied to such models when the FIXED type of support is
• For the ENFORCED BUT type, there is no provision to specify a spring constant.
• The only choices, which are built into the program, are-zero stiffness
3:1.Explain the steps involved in analysis of a model using STAAD Pro sequentially,
The steps involved in analysis of a model are
• Before Analysis the model the load pattern and the load combination are to be provided to the model
• Then go to Analysis option
• Define Command
• Select the data for the analysis of the model by perform analysis, P delta analyis, Nonlinear analysis
• It deponds upon the support conditions
3.2. Explain the two ways in which a structural framework/model can be created in STAAD Pro software.
The two ways to model the a structural framework is
1. Creating model by Node by Node
2. Creating model by Bay frame by
3.3. Elaborate the different support conditions in STAAD Pro.
3.4. How will you extract the stress distribution for a staircase slab?
• The Design of Staircase slab is done by Node placement
• The creation of plate is used in stair case
• BY using Generate mesh
• The stress distribution for the staircase slab is done by viewing colour in the slab of the design
3.5. Explain the different ways to view SFD & BMD in STAAD Pro.
• After complation of the Design the staad pro will automatically provide the BMD & SFD
• By Entering to the Post procesing process click on ok .
By clicking the beam results Deflection command
• Reaction click the beam deflection
1. Analyze the following structural elements and validate the results A. Simply Supported Beam
a. A Simply supported beam with two point loads symmetrically placed
b. Span L = 20m
c. Load P = 50kN each
d. Both P located at 5m from each support
B.Fixed Beam
a. Span L=16m
b. Uniformly Distributed Load w=9kN/m
• To draw a 20m length of simply supported beam with two pint loads symmetrically placed and load p = 50 KN
each both P placed at 5m from each support
• And a 16m lenght of fixed beam with uniformly distributed load w = 9 kN/m
Prcedure: A. Simply Supported Beam.
• Open the staddpro software
• Define the units as per below image
• Add beams as per below image
• A graph seen in the window as per below image
• Then draw 20m length line with node .
• And the concrete material with 0.23 x 0.23 thickness as per below image
• Then add the supports :- simply support to each node
• then add Load P = 50kN each
• Both P located at 5m from each support
• Then select the loads & defination
• Add load case details
• Then run analysis.
• There is no error in file see attached the below image.
• See the load case displacement
B. Fixed Beam.
• Draw the 16m length beam
• Define the the support as fixed
• Then add the concrete material with 0.23 x 0.23 thickness as per below image
• Then assign the loads
• Then run analysis.
• There is no error in file see attached the below image.
• See the load case displacement
• See the load case 2
• See the Reactions
• Simply Supported Beam and Fixed Beam are drawn successfully
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