Aim: To create a 3 dimensional model of the residential building with a rendered view using AutoCAD software.
Various commands used
- QNEW command
- UN command
- LIMAX command
- Z command
- REC command
- Offset command
- Trim command
- Line command
- CO command
- MOVE command
- LA command
- 3DROTATE command
- PLAN command
- Region command
- BOUNDRY command
- SUB command
- EXTRUDE command
- UNION command
- BOX command
- 3DMOVE command
- UCS command
- SOIDEDIT command
- MAT command
- RR command
- Type QNEW in command box, press enter, select the default setting as metric and select ok.
- Type UN in command box, press enter, select the unit of measurement as decimal with the precision 0.
- Type limax in command box, press enter, specify max limit as 21'6",36'and press enter.
- Type Z in command box, press enter, type Ain command box, press enter.
2D Drafting of plan and elevation
- Type REC in command box, press enter, select dimension option from command box, press enter, specify dimension as 9000 units, specify width as 9000 units and press enter.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 9", press enter, and take offset inside the rectangle.
- Type X in command box, press enter, select the internal rectangle and explode it.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 3', press enter, and take offset inside the rectangle.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 9", press enter, and take offset inside the rectangle in downward direction.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 3940, press enter, and take offset inside the rectangle in downward direction.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 9", press enter, and take offset inside the rectangle in downward direction.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 3' units, press enter, and take offset inside the rectangle in right direction to internal side of rectangle.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 6", press enter, and take offset in right direction to just drawn offset.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 1'6", press enter, and take offset in right direction to just drawn offset.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 6", press enter, and take offset in right direction to just drawn offset.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 1500, press enter, and take offset in right direction to just drawn offset.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 6", press enter, and take offset in right direction to just drawn offset.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 3', press enter, and take offset in right direction to just drawn offset.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 3', press enter, and take offset inside the rectangle in downward direction from top right corner.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 9", press enter, and take offset to just drawn offset in downward direction.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 3' , press enter, and take offset to just drawn offset in downward direction.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 9", press enter, and take offset to just drawn offset in downward direction.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance 9", press enter, and take offset to just drawn offset in downward direction.
- Trim the extra unwanted lines wherever required using trim tool.
- Similarly draw the first floor plan using offset and rectangle tool as shown below.
- Type XL in command box and press enter.
- Select the vertical option from command box and take projections from each component of plan such as windows and doors from the ground floor and first floor plans which is visible in the front elevation.
- Again, type XL in command box, select horizontal option from command box and draw horizontal line intersecting the projected lines which acts as a ground level.
- Type O in command box and press enter,
- Specify offset distance as 3' to create plinth level.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance as 3' for creating parapet wall followed by offset of 10' from the same line in upward direction to create the headroom.
- Type O in command box, press enter, specify offset distance as 7' to create the lintel level followed by offset of 3' unit to create the sill level from the same horizontal floor line for each floor.
- Using trim tool trim the extra lines to create the windows elevations of each floor.
- Type LA in command box, press enter, in layer manager dialog box, create different layers and assign them different colors and name them as shown below.
- Select the walls and add them in their respective layers.
3D modelling
- Make sure workspace setting is 3D modelling from status bar.
- Select the SW view from viewport control.
- Type BO in command box, press enter, pick the internal point inside the wall thickness of plan to create it as boundary.
- Type EXTRUDE in command box, press enter, select the created boundary, specify height of extrusion as 10' units and press enter.
- To create the sill level for window opening, type BO in command box, press enter, pick the internal point inside the wall to create it as boundary.
- Type EXTRUDE in command box, press enter, select the window plan and specify extrusion height as 3' units and press enter.
- Type REC in command box, press enter, specify first point at corner of top of window opening and draw the rectangle at top of window opening.
- Type EXTRUDE in command box, press enter in command box, select the drawn rectangle and specify extrusion height as -3' units and press enter.
- Similarly create the top of door opening.
- Type UNION in command box, press enter, select the all created objects and create them as single unit.
- Similarly draw the first floor as shown below.
- To create the 3D windows and door, type 3D rotate in command box, press enter, select the elevation, press enter, select the base point, pick the rotation axis, type rotation angle as 90 and press enter.
- Type 3d move in command box, press enter, select the elevation press enter, select the base point as bottom of wall and move it such that it coincides with corresponding extruded wall bottom point so that windows and doors coincides with their respective positions.
- Type region in command box, press enter, select the outer rectangle of window frame and press enter.
- Type REGION in command box, press enter, select the internal rectangular frame of window and press enter.
- Type SUB in command box, press enter, select the outer region press enter, select the internal region and press enter to create the window frame.
- Similarly create the mullion of window of thickness 30 unit inside the window frame.
- Type rec in command box, press enter, pick first point as corner of window, and second point as opposite corner of window.
- Type REGION in command box, press enter, select the just drawn rectangle and press enter.
- Type EXTRUDE in command box, press enter, select the just created region, press enter, specify height as 12 units and press enter.
- Type 3DMOVE in command box, press enter, select the window frame, press enter, select the base point as midpoint of window frame thickness and move it to the midpoint of opening thickness.
- Similarly move the mullion and glass of window at midpoint of window opening using 3D move tool.
- Similarly, create the door frame of thickness 75 units and door panel of thickness 30 unit at their respective position.
- Type CO in command box, press enter and select the base point as midpoint of door thickness and copy the door and windows wherever required.
- For drawing the floors, type UCS in command box, press enter, select the face option from command box, select the face as top of wall and press enter to set ucs at required position.
- Type REC in command box, press enter and draw the rectangle to create the floor inside by specifying first point as inside corner of rectangle and second point as opposite corner.
- Type EXTRUDE in command box, press enter, select the just drawn rectangle, press enter, specify height as 6" units and press enter it will create the floor.
- Similarly draw the upper floors.
- Type 3DMOVE in command box, press enter, select the first floor 3D model, press enter, select the base point as corner of wall bottom, and move it to the required position.
- Draw the projections using rectangle and extrude command to create aesthetical look.
- Draw the parapet wall of thickness 6" units and height 900 units using BOUNDARY and EXTRUDE command as shown below.
- From the material panel of visualization tab select the material browser and select the flooring type as diamond Red, add it to the list, select the flooring, right click on the diamond red option from list and select assign to selection option to apply flooring material.
- Select the material mapping from the material panel of visualization tab and adjust the applied material.
- Similarly apply the material to various components of building by similar procedure.
- Type LIGHT in command box, press enter, select the point option from command box, specify source location above the front window, select the name option from command box, and name it as point light 1, select the intensity option and specify intensity factor 10 and press enter.
- Similarly create point light 2 and distance light and place it at appropriate position.
- From camera panel of visualize tab select create camera option and create the camera at certain height as shown below.
- Double click on camera, to see the camera view.
- Select camera and right click to change the properties of camera as shown below.
- From the visualize tab, from light panel select the full shadow option.
- Type BACKGROUND in command box, press enter, select the background type as sun and sky and select ok.
- From the render panel of visualize tab, select the drop down of render panel and select the environment and exposure option, turn it on and select image based lightning as dry lake bed.
- From the render panel of visualize tab select the render in region option.
- Type RR in command box, press enter, pick the crop window to create the render.
- Similarly, create the different rendered view of building.
- Select the render window option from the render drop down of render panel of visualize tab and save the view by selecting render in window option and save it.
A 3 dimensional model of the residential building with a rendered view is created using AutoCAD software as shown below.
Hidden view
Camera view
Shaded view
Rendered front view
Rendered view
NOTE: All images are given below file included it....