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Flow over a cylinder

Aim:- To simulate the flow over a cylinder for the conditions shown in the video. To start, run a baseline simulation and then calculate the Reynolds number. Then increase the Reynolds number by a factor of 20%, 40%, and 100% then run the transient flow simulation. Objective: Calculate the Reynolds number for different…

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    Flow over a cylinder


    Aim:- To simulate the flow over a cylinder for the conditions shown in the video. To start, run a baseline simulation and then calculate the Reynolds number. Then increase the Reynolds number by a factor of 20%, 40%, and 100% then run the transient flow simulation. Objective: Calculate the Reynolds number for different…


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          Solving Second Order ODEs using Matlab


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          Air standard Cycle using Matlab


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            Forward Kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm using Matlab


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            Calculating the flow over a bicycle using Matlab


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