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AIM: To draw the given plan INTRODUCTION: To draw the given plan, the following commands are used, PL,line,trim, offset and fillet. To annototate the dimension Dimlinear and Dimaligned are used. PROCEDURE: The procedure followed here is , initially the outer box was drawn, then the internal rooms were…
Rooparchana Patil
updated on 18 Jan 2022
AIM: To draw the given plan
INTRODUCTION: To draw the given plan, the following commands are used, PL,line,trim, offset and fillet. To annototate the dimension Dimlinear and Dimaligned are used.
PROCEDURE: The procedure followed here is , initially the outer box was drawn, then the internal rooms were drawn. Next the doors, windows and ventilators if any were drawn.Then the drawing was annotated with proper dimensions and room names.The external wall thickness was 9" and internal wall thickness was 4.5" given.
at command prompt: (polyline)PLINE is used
Specifying start point as= 5',5'
Specifying next point as 43'-6.5"
Specifying next point as 25'
Specifying next point as: 43'-6.5"
Specifying next point as: c
At the command prompt using command offset.
giving offset distance 9"
Using line command to complete all other internal rooms dimensions.
Using arc command to draw the doors.
After drawing doors, at command prompt using command Trim to remove extra lines.
The staircase room was drawin using the given dimension and offset command.
At command prompt using command Dimstyle the modification were done to dimensions to suit the current layout of drawing.
After choosing the correct dimension style the entire drawing was annotated with proper dimensions.
At command prompt command MTEXT was used to annotate the different rooms and their dimensions.
AIM: To draw the given outdoor canopy
INTRODUCTION: To draw the given figure, the following commands are used,C,line,trim,block, offset, mirror and fillet. To annototate the dimension Dimrad is used.
PROCEDURE: The procedure followed here is , initially the outer circle was drawn, then the shape fo the chair usingrectangle,fillet,offset was drawn.Then the chair was put in to a block using the block command. The block can be copied at the resired position and can be mirrored to the given position.
At command prompt using the units command to choose the units.
At the command prompt using LIM command to reset the limits to fit the drawing.
lower limits as 0,0
upper corner limits as 2000,2000.
At command prompt using command circle, then picking the centre point and giving the radius as 1398
At command prompt using command circle, then picking the same centre point as that of above circle and giving the radius as 452
At command prompt using rectangle, fillet, arc, offset and trim the chair of the given shape was drawn.
At the command prompt the chiar was converted into a block
Command : Block
Block window pops up, giving a name to block
Selecting the objects to convert in to the block for the given block name.
THe block was names as chair-2, this can used and pasted where ever required.
The command mirror was used to arrange all the four chairs
command: MI
selecting the objects to mirroe one found.
delete the original object<yes/NO> No
all the four chairs are arranged.
THe drawing looks as follows.
AIM: To draw the given plan
INTRODUCTION: To draw the given part plan, the following commands are used, line,trim, offset and fillet. To annototate the dimension Dimlinear is used.
PROCEDURE: The procedure followed here is , initially the down toilet room was drawn and then offset command was used to draw the wall between both the toilets and the upper toilet was complete.Then doors and ventilators were drawn.Then the drawing was annotated with proper dimensions and room names.The external wall thickness was 300 and internal wall thickness was 150 given.
at command prompt:LINE is used
Specifying start point as= 0,0
Specifying next point as 2100
Specifying next point as 1900
Specifying next point as: 2100
Specifying next point as: c
At the command prompt using command offset.
giving offset distance 300
Using line command to complete the other toilet of dimension1900x1700
Using arc command to draw the doors.
After drawing doors, at command prompt using command Trim to remove extra lines.
At command prompt using command Dimstyle the modification were done to dimensions to suit the current layout of drawing.
After choosing the correct dimension style the entire drawing was annotated with proper dimensions.
At command prompt command MTEXT was used to annotate the different rooms and their dimensions.
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