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Week 1 Stress Concentration on a Plate with hole

Objective : To perform the analysis of a metal block in tension test and to check the differences in stress distribution due to the varying design configuration of the block.Procedure : The 2 case types are analysed separately belowMaterial selectionFirst we will add the materials to be used for the block.From the…

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    Week 11 Car Crash simulation


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    16 Oct 2021 06:46 PM IST

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      Week 10 Bullet penetrating a Bucket Challenge


      Objective : To setup the simulation of the given Bucket and bullet penetration test setup to obtain the desired results.   Setting up the simulation To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the required material cards such as AL 1100-O, Al6061 and Gold for the bucketFor the bullet Tantalum has…


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        Week 9 Machining with Planer Challenge


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          Week 9 Tension and Torsion test challenge


          Objective : To setup the simulation of the given tensile and torsion test to obtain the desired results.   Setting up the simulation To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the required material cards such as Structural Steel and STEEL 1006 for the workpieceThe below materials can be found…


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            Week 8 Worm Gear Challenge


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              Week 8 - Universal Joint


              Objective : To setup the simulation of the given universal joint mechanism to obtain the desired results.   Setting up the simulation To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the required material cards such as Structural Steel, Stainless Steel and Titanium Alloy The below materials can…


              03 Oct 2021 01:57 PM IST

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                Week 7-Long Piston With Cam


                Objective : To perform the simulation of the buckle clip to study the stresses, strains and other requested parameters as per the criteria.   Procedure :  Setting up the simulation To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the required material cards such as Structural Steel The below…


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                  Week 5 Bending of iPhone


                  Objective : To perform the simulation of the given Iphone Bending to obtain the results as required.Procedure : Setting up the simulation To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the required material cards such as Polyethylene, Aluminium Alloy NL, Structural Steel and GlassThe below materials…


                  10 Sep 2021 04:46 PM IST

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                    Week 5 Sphere pressing on a plate


                    Objective : To perform the simulation of the given wire bending and obtaining the desired results of stresses and strains as required.Procedure : Setting up the simulation To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the required material cards such as Structural Steel NL and Structural Steel is…


                    10 Sep 2021 02:53 PM IST

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                      Week 4 -Wire Bending Challenge


                      Objective : To perform the simulation of the given wire bending and obtaining the desired results of stresses and strains as required.Procedure : Setting up the simulation To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the required material cards such as Structrual Steel for the rollers and Copper…


                      10 Sep 2021 02:51 PM IST

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                        Week 4- Rolling operation


                        Objective : To perform the simulation of the given Copper wire rolling using and obtaining the desired results of displacements, stresses and strains as required.Procedure : Setting up the simulation To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the required material cards such as Structrual Steel …


                        18 May 2021 02:22 PM IST

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                          Week 3 Verification of Weld Joints


                          Objective : To setup the given simulation to test to charachteristics of the welds and how they affect the deformation of the metal plates by changing the materials and observing the behaviour.Procedure : Setting up the simulation : To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the required material…


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                            Week 3 Sheet metal Bending challenge


                            Objective : To perform the simulation of the given sheet metal bending using the different materials for the sheet metal and observing the changes in behaviour with change in friction coefficient and mesh size.Procedure : Setting up the simulation To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the…


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                              Week 2 Railwheel and Track


                              Objective : To perform the simulation of motion of a rail wheel on a track and obtain the desired output.Procedure : Setting up the simulation : Setting up the simulation : To set up the simulation, first we need to import the required material card of structural steel. This material can be found in the…


                              18 Dec 2020 02:45 PM IST

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                                Week 2 Bevel Gear Challenge


                                Objective : To perform the simulation for the given set of bevel gears using the different mesh sizes provided and establishing the effectiveness of a grid dependency test.Procedure : Grid Dependency Test : A grid dependency test is a method of getting the most accurate results from a particular simulation by…


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                                  Week 1 Spur Gear Challenge


                                  Objective : To perform the analyses of the pair of spear gears by assigning to them different material properties and studying the differences in certain behaviours of the set.Procedure :  Setting up the simulation : To set up the simulation, first we need to import all the required material cards such…


                                  14 Dec 2020 06:13 PM IST

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                                    Week 1 Stress Concentration on a Plate with hole


                                    Objective : To perform the analysis of a metal block in tension test and to check the differences in stress distribution due to the varying design configuration of the block.Procedure : The 2 case types are analysed separately belowMaterial selectionFirst we will add the materials to be used for the block.From the…


                                    14 Dec 2020 10:33 AM IST

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                                      Bird Strike - Project - 2


                                      Objective : To study the effect of bird strike on a plane engine.   Procedure :  Setting up the simulation First we will set up the  different parts of the engine into different .k files as shown below. Bird file   Blades fileCasing fileAll these files contain the material properties, section and…


                                      02 Dec 2020 04:28 PM IST

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                                        week-11 Joint creation and Demonstration


                                        Objective : To create the given joints on FE models and check their movement by running the simulation.   Procedure :  Setting up the simulations :  First we will model the joints on Deformable bodies Spherical joint Create a solid ball and socket assembly in LS-DYNA as shown below. Create the following…


                                        27 Nov 2020 10:37 AM IST

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                                          Week - 10 Hyperelastic Material Models


                                          Objective : To model a hyper-elastic material card using the test data given and validate the results in the simulation.   Procedure :  Obtaining Stress-Strain data :  First we extract the engineering stress/strain data from the picture given and input it into an excel sheet. The data given is in engineering…


                                          19 Nov 2020 10:09 AM IST

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                                            Week - 9 Material modeling from raw data


                                            Objective : To create a material property card using the given data, and verifying the material properties by assigning it to the dogbone specimen and studying its simulation behaviour. Procedure : Extraction of data : Using the getdata application, the co-ordinates of the curve are plotted and pasted in an excel sheet.…


                                            12 Nov 2020 05:59 PM IST

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                                              Week - 8 Mass Scaling


                                              Objective : To study the effect of mass-scaling on a simulation and to understand the use of the parameters of  CONTROL_TIMESTEP card in controlling the added mass percentage and run time on a simulation.   Procedure : Open the keyword file and open control_timestep card for the given simulation file. The unit…


                                              08 Nov 2020 08:55 PM IST

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                                                Week-7 Head Impact


                                                Objective : To perform the head impact analysis of a head model against different scenarios and calculate the head injury criteria as well as the stress - strain plots of them.   Procedure :      Setting up the simulation :   Simple Head v/s Rigid wall :  First we will create the simulation…


                                                01 Nov 2020 12:32 PM IST

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                                                  Week-6 Calculate the Stretch Ratio by comparing the ELFORM (-2,-1,1,2) with Ogden_Material Model.


                                                  Aim : To study the tensile test behaviour of the hyperelastic material card given in the question. Procedure :  Setting up the simulation : Creation of Solid block :  GO to element & Mesh-->shape mesher and select the following options. This will create a solid cube of 10mm*10mm*10mm made of…


                                                  21 Oct 2020 04:53 AM IST

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                                                    Week - 5 - Modelling Spotwelds


                                                    Objectives : To study the impact behaviour of the two plates connected by spot welds onto a rigid wall and to study the various energies being generated. Preocedure :  Setting up the simulation : Creating the rigid wall : To create rigid wall go to create entity-->rigid wall-->create, choose…


                                                    03 Oct 2020 04:33 AM IST

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                                                      Week - 4 - crash box simulation


                                                      Objectives : To study the impact behaviour of the crush tube of varying thicknesses onto a rigid wall and to study the various energies being generated. Preocedure :  Setting up the simulation : Creating the rigid wall : To create rigid wall go to create entity-->rigid wall-->create, choose the options as planar,…


                                                      24 Sep 2020 12:52 AM IST

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                                                        Week - 3 Drop test Challenge


                                                        Aim : To perform the drop test to simulate the dropping of a cell-phone onto a solid platform. Procedure : After downloading the model we will perform the case setup. There is a top shell element layer on the table top. That has been deleted to keep all the elements solid. Now both the phone and table consist of just…


                                                        14 Sep 2020 03:48 PM IST

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                                                          Week - 2 - Explicit and Implicit Analysis


                                                          Aim : To study the differences between implicit and explicit analyses. Procedure : The comparsion is made between implicit and explicit analyses as follows.   Implicit Analysis Explicit Analysis It is independent of time. It is dependent on time. Implicit analysis is unconditionally stable. Explicit analysis…


                                                          02 Sep 2020 02:51 AM IST

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                                                            Week - 1 - Consistency of units


                                                            Objective : To convert the measurements of different quantities as given into the different unit systems.   Procedure : To simplify the conversions, a table is constructed as follows. The quantities to be converted form the rows on top and the quantities on the left column form the unit system according to which they…


                                                            27 Aug 2020 10:48 PM IST

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                                                              Assignment 7


                                                              Objective : To perform the simulation according to the given parameters and get the desired output requests.   Procedure :  PRE-PROCESSING :  Make sure the unit system is in Kg mm ms by checking in the starter file. Create type 7 interface on the whole vehicle body as follows. Go to tools-->penetration…


                                                              14 Aug 2020 08:44 PM IST

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                                                                Assignment 6


                                                                Objectives : To perform the crash analysis according to the given conditions and obtain the desired output requests.   Procedure : PRE-PROCESSOR (Radioss) :  Import the model and check the unit system in the starter file. Create type-7 interface for the whole vehicle bodyby selecting all nodes and elems for slave…


                                                                12 Aug 2020 04:26 PM IST

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                                                                  Assignment 5


                                                                  Objective : To mesh the given bumper assembly according to the required criteria. To perform the given simulations according to the conditions required and notice the change in results.     Procedure :  Import the model bumper into the hypermesh pre-processor. Using geometry cleanup fix any duplicate surfaces…


                                                                  30 Jul 2020 03:28 PM IST

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                                                                    Assignment 4


                                                                     Objective : To perform a comparative study on rupture plates by assigning different material properties to the same component and noticing the difference in fracture mechanics. Procedure :  The results are discussed based on the 5 parameters given in the question above :  1. Total number of cycles, Energy…


                                                                    20 Jul 2020 08:35 AM IST

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                                                                      Assignment 3


                                                                      Objective : To answer the given questions by performing the required steps and get the results as requested. Procedure : The answers of the questions are given in order as follows : 1. To change the run time to 55 ms change the parameter below /RUN/FIRST_RUN/1/ to 0.055.   2. To have a minimum of 25 steps and maximum…


                                                                      16 Jul 2020 08:27 PM IST

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                                                                        Assignment 2


                                                                        Objective : To perform the calculations of the given numerical questions and perform 2d/3d meshing of the components as required. Procedure :  Answers to questions :  1. E = 210GPa ; density = 7.8 *10^-3kg/m^3 Hence v = (E/density)^0.5 = 5188 m/s   2. L = 1000mm = 1m ; v = 5188m/s Hence t = 1/5188 = 0.1928…


                                                                        11 Jul 2020 09:55 PM IST

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                                                                          Assignment 1


                                                                          Objective : To perform geometry cleanup on all the components, extract their midsurfaces, mesh them and assign a thickness to thembased on parent geometry.   Procedure : There are 3 components in this assignment. We will perform the operations on each of them individually.  Part_1 :  Geometry cleanup : First…


                                                                          07 Jul 2020 02:23 PM IST

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                                                                            Week 12 - Project-1


                                                                            Objective : To generate the midsurface of the given components and mesh them according to the given quality criteria and assign them a thickness   Procedure : Geometry Cleanup : First clean up the geometry of the given component, delete any duplicate surfaces, toggle unwanted edges. The geometry is thereby separated…


                                                                            16 Jun 2020 07:39 AM IST

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                                                                              Week 9-Challenge


                                                                              Objective : To create connectors and attach various parts of the model according to the given requirements.   Procedure :  2d Mesh : First create a 2d mesh of all the components by first meshing one symmetrical half of all the components.We will now try to eliminate the trias as much as we can while not disrupting…


                                                                              31 May 2020 05:48 AM IST

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                                                                                Week 8-Challenge


                                                                                Objective : To generate a 3d mesh for the following components that fulfills the element quality criteria as required.     Preocedure : 1)Housing : For this component we will first generate 2d tria mesh and then convert it to 3d mesh with 3d tetras option.  Hence the following steps are followed for both components in…


                                                                                27 May 2020 02:27 PM IST

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                                                                                  Showing 1 of 39 projects