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Project: sketch residence layout with interior architechtures aminities using autoCAD Aim: Creating a Residence Layout, Seating plan, Toilet and Utility room plan using AutoCad Introduction: we create a residential plan, seating plan and toilet and utility rooms by using auto cad 2019, by using…
Vaibhav Patil
updated on 25 Mar 2022
Project: sketch residence layout with interior architechtures aminities using autoCAD
Aim: Creating a Residence Layout, Seating plan, Toilet and Utility room plan using AutoCad
Introduction: we create a residential plan, seating plan and toilet and utility rooms by using auto cad 2019, by using various commands like layers, matching, Lines, filet, chamfer etc.
Residence Plan:
Aim: Sketch the layout of a residence as shown in the Figure Consider all dimensions as reference to sketch the unit plan. Also the text in the layout are only for reference. Assume the missing dimensions. Also, refer the schedule for size of the doors.
2) Aim: Sketch the seating plan for an outdoor canopy. Assume the dimensions for the seating. Also, consider the dimensions in mm by using auto cad with usuable cammands
procedure: draw a circle
Procedure: draw a inner cicle
procedure: draw a chairs
we draw the outdoor seating with canopy, we draw this sketch in three steps, by using line layers, arc, and circle command
3) Aim: Sketch the part plan for the toilers and utilities room. Consider the outer wall thickness as 300mm and inner wall thickness as 150mm. Also, assume the missing dimension, Texts, dimensions, and hatches are only for references. Also, symbols for toilets and w/c are also for references.
Procedure: for drawing toilet and utility room
Procedure: naming and dimensioning
Refrence: we draw a utility and toilet room skrtch by using diffrents layers and draw it in three parts and merged it
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