Aim: To draw the layout of a residence plan.
Commands used.
2. Offset
3. Fillet
4. Extend
5. Trim.
Procedures -
- First create a new.AutoCAD file with imperial settings
- Make sure that ini units the type is "Engineering (as the dimension is in feet and inches) and also set the precision.
- Set the limits with command "LIMITS specify the left comer points and right comer points and enter zoom all ("z- a").
- Draw construction lines by command "XL- V" for vertical and "XL- H" for horizontal
Drawing bed 1-
- Take offset of both construction lines of 9' by using command "O"-give offset distance ac O'9 in the cornmand box
- Then take the offset of 11'7.5"to the exdirection and offset of 12' y direction so that the room is formed
- Again, give offset to the both nes with 4.5" so that the wall thicknesc is created
- Trim off the unwanted lines
Drawing bed 2 -
- Give offset from the wall thickness of bed towards direction of 11'6"
- Offset the 9' to create wall oright side
- Extend the line of 12' from bed towards this rie Conran Ex-select the line to where it should be extended 4.5" offset line of bed 2
- Tram off the rest of the lines

Drawing toilet 1:
- Offset 4'6" downwards then also offset 4.5" wall.
- Extend the left side wall towards the line 4'6" and the wall
- From that line offset 8'3" towards + x direction and offset the wall of 4'5" also.
- Trim off the unwanted lines.
Drawing toilet 2:
- Extend the wall thickness of bed 2 to the 4'6" line.
- Offset a distance of 8'1.5" towards - x direction and also 4'5" wall thickness.
- Trim off the unwanted lines.

Drawing Dining and living room:
- Give offset of 11' from the wall of toilet and also the wall of 9"
- Extend the left wall towards the 11' line and 9" line.
- Use fillet to join this line and the wall of toilet 2.
- Give an offset of 8'7.5" to understand the partition between the dining and living
- Trim off the wall thickness of dinning and offset it as 4.5".
Drawing Kitchen:
- Give an offset from the dinning wall of 6'8" and give an offset of 9" for the wall thickness.
- Extend the left wall towards this line.
- Give an offset of 11' towards-x direction and offset the wall thickness as 9"

Drawing parking and staircase room:
- Draw offset of 12'6" to draw the parking, then give offset of 9" towards inside. Give offset 13'9.5" from the living wall towards downwards.
- Extend both side lines towards this line.
- Extend outer wall of kitchen, so that the staircase room is defined
Drawing staircase:
- Given thread: 1'
- riser: 6"
- Give a wall thickness of 9" for the staircase room.
- Divide the staircase roorn by giving offset of 3 from the front wall thickness.
- Draw offset of 1'(thread) to draw the stairs in plain view
- Give an offset of 1.96" to show the handrail (Assume 5cm is usually givent Trim of the lines between the handrails and give the other side as dotted lines (it indicates that it is the upward stairs, not visible when
- Draw 9 offsets as there are 9 risers for 8 steps
- viewing ground floor plan)
- For that select the lines and change the line typo to ISO dash.
- Mark the direction of stairs
Drawing doors :
- Trim all the door openings with their respective width D1-3', D2-2'6", D3-3'3".
- For open kitchen, trim the line retaining a distance of 6'4" from right side of kitchen.
- Draw doors creating a hinge of 0.5" from the midpoint of both the wall, then drawing a circle with one point on the midpoint of one hinge and other the midpoint of another hinge.
Place the windows :
- For living, take an offset of 1'3", this is where the window starts (as it is given)
- Using line command draw a line of 6' from the centre of offset line inside the wall thickness.
- Draw windows wherever necessary: from middle portion of a wall draw a line, from the midpoint of that line give the distance
- ie, the width of the window, then join the other side. w1-6' w2-4' v-2' Trim all the unwanted lines and fillet the corners with fillet radius zero. Command: "F"-select both the lines (fillet radius is zero by default)
Drawing the kitchen slab and cupboards:
- Offset a distance of 2' to make the kitchen slab.
- Draw the cupboard by creating a rectangle Command REC-specify base point-click on dimension -give dimension as 5' x 2'
- Copy the rectangle to another bedroom also

Placing each component in Layer:
- From layer property- create new layer - create 8 layers each for wall, door, window, stairs, kitchen slab and cupboard.
- Name each layer as wall, door, window, stairs, kitchen slab dimensions, text and cupboard and give different colours, so that it can be identified separately.
- Select the objects and place it in respective layers.

Layout of Residential plan as shown :

Aim: To draw the seating plan for an outdoor canopy
Commands used.
1. Circle
2. Offset.
3. Fillet
4. Extend.
- Creating circles
- Select metric units as the diamensions is in mm.
- Draw a circle with acommand "C"select a centre point and give the radius as 1398 mm.
- Draw another circle with same centre with radius 452mm.
- Draw an offset of 200 mm from the inner circle to determine the position of chairs.
- Draw lines along the diameter of the bigger circle.

Drawing chairs:
- Draw a rectangle with command "REC giving dimensions as 400 mm and 200 mm.
- Draw an are with start-centre and end method with the end points and centre of the side (400mm) of rectangle.
- Draw another rectangle of 55mm x100mm for the handle of the chair Command: "REC"-select the base point and click on dimension ana give as 55mm and 100mm.
- Copy it on the other side so that both handles are formed.
- Fillet the corner of rectangle by 50mm Command O- give the fillet radius as 50mm and select the two lines and trim off the unwanted
- line.
- Move the chair and place it such a way that it touches the offset 200mm circle. By using Command "M-select the base point and move it
- Mirror the chair to the opposite side Command MI select the base point and draw the reference line where we need to mirror. Rotate the chair and move it so that the chair in left side is created Command "RO-select the base point and rotate to desired angle
- Again mirror the chair so as to create chair in right side

Delete extra linen and offset of the circle
Final plan for an outdoor canopy

Aim: To draw plan for the toilers and utilities room.
Commands Used:
1. XL-V OR XL-H.
2. Offset
3. Fillet.
4. Extend.
5. Trim.
6. Design centre.
- First create a new Auto Cad file with metric units.
- Set the limits with command "LIMITS Specify the left comer points and right comer points and enter zoom all.
- Draw construction lines by command "XL-V" for vertical and "XL-H" for horizontal
- Trim the left side and bottom position of the construction lines.
Drawing utility room:
- Draw an offset of 300mm from the left side of vertical construction line and an offset of 150mm from the bottom horizontal construction line
- Draw an offset of 2100 mm upwards and offset of 1900 mm towards the right side and give the wall thickness of150mm and 300mm
- respectively.
Drawing DH Toilet:
- Draw an offset of 1700 mm upwards and wall thickness of 300 mm as it is the external wall and a room is formed.
- Trim off the rest of the construction lines

Create opening for doors:
- From toilet after offset of 100mm, give another offset of 832mm and trim to form the door opening by creating 12.5 mm hinge and then draw circle to the midpoint of other side of wall Trim off the rest of circle to form an arc
- Draw window of 728mm in the utility room and a ventilator of 631 mm in toilet room.
- Draw the duct shown behind the toilet room by offset at a distance of 201 mm and 150mm wall thick ness upwards.
- Extend the wall of toilet towards it and offset 402 mm offset wall thickness as 150mm.
- Fillet the corners of the room.
Drawing of utility symbols:
- In the command line enter DS and select en-us-home utility-select the symbols by draging them into Auto Cad screen and place whereever required

Final plan for the toilers and utilities room.