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Objective : To investigate convergence rate of steady and Unsteady methods: Matlab code for steady convergence rate : close all clear all clc nx = 20; ny = 20; nt = 1000; x = linspace(0,1,nx); y = linspace(0,1,ny); d_x = x(2) - x(1); d_y = y(2) - y(1); y1 = 1; error = 9e9; tolerance = 1e-4; dt = 1e-4; T_L = 400; T_R =…
Epuri Yoga Narasimha
updated on 18 Feb 2021
Objective : To investigate convergence rate of steady and Unsteady methods:
Matlab code for steady convergence rate :
close all
clear all
nx = 20;
ny = 20;
nt = 1000;
x = linspace(0,1,nx);
y = linspace(0,1,ny);
d_x = x(2) - x(1);
d_y = y(2) - y(1);
y1 = 1;
error = 9e9;
tolerance = 1e-4;
dt = 1e-4;
T_L = 400;
T_R = 800;
T_T = 600;
T_B = 900;
T = 300*ones(nx,ny);
T(2:ny-1,1) = T_L;
T(2:ny-1,nx) = T_R;
T(1,2:nx-1) = T_T;
T(ny,2:ny-1) = T_B;
T(1,1) = (T_L + T_T)/2;
T(nx,ny) = (T_R + T_B)/2;
T(1,ny) = (T_T + T_R)/2;
T(nx,1) = (T_L + T_B)/2;
k = 2*((d_x^2 + d_y^2)/(d_x^2*d_y^2));
k1 = (1.6*dt)/d_x^2;
k2 = (1.6*dt)/d_y^2;
term1 = (1/(1+2*k1+2*k2));
term2 = (k1*term1);
term3 = (k2*term1);
w_opt = 1.4;
kj = 1;
kc = 0;
T_new2 = T;
T1 = T;
T2 = T;
T_new1 = T;
T_new = T;
kl = 1;
while error > 1e-4
for i=2:nx-1
for j = 2:ny-1
T_new(i,j) = (1/k)*(((T(i-1,j) + T(i+1,j))/d_x^2) + ((T(i,j-1) + T(i,j+1))/d_x^2));
T_new1(i,j) = (1/k)*((T_new1(i-1,j)+T1(i+1,j))/d_x^2) + (1/k)*((T_new1(i,j-1) + T1(i,j+1))/d_y^2);
T_new2(i,j) = (1-w_opt)*T2(i,j) + w_opt*(((1/k)*((T_new2(i-1,j)+T2(i+1,j))/d_x^2) + (1/k)*((T_new2(i,j-1) + T2(i,j+1))/d_y^2)));
error = max(max(abs(T_new - T)));
error1 = max(max(abs(T_new1 - T1)));
error2 = max(max(abs(T_new2 - T2)));
if kj == 1
fg = error;
fg1 = error1;
fg2 = error2;
if kj>=2
axis([0 1000 1e-4 400])
hold on
title('convergence rate of iterative methods for steady conuction equation',kj)
fg = error;
fg1 = error1;
fg2 = error2;
kj = kj +1;
kc = kc+1;
T = T_new;
T1 = T_new1;
T2 = T_new2;
Results :
Observations :
1. SOR takes less iterations than jacobi and gauss siedel.
2. plotted using loglog command , so it would be easy to visualize.
Matlab code for both steady and unsteady methods :
close all
clear all
nx = 20;
ny = 20;
nt = 1000;
x = linspace(0,1,nx);
y = linspace(0,1,ny);
d_x = x(2) - x(1);
d_y = y(2) - y(1);
y1 = 1;
error = 9e9;
tolerance = 1e-4;
dt = 1e-4;
T_L = 400;
T_R = 800;
T_T = 600;
T_B = 900;
T = 300*ones(nx,ny);
T(2:ny-1,1) = T_L;
T(2:ny-1,nx) = T_R;
T(1,2:nx-1) = T_T;
T(ny,2:ny-1) = T_B;
T(1,1) = (T_L + T_T)/2;
T(nx,ny) = (T_R + T_B)/2;
T(1,ny) = (T_T + T_R)/2;
T(nx,1) = (T_L + T_B)/2;
k = 2*((d_x^2 + d_y^2)/(d_x^2*d_y^2));
k1 = (1.6*dt)/d_x^2;
k2 = (1.6*dt)/d_y^2;
term1 = (1/(1+2*k1+2*k2));
term2 = (k1*term1);
term3 = (k2*term1);
w_opt = 1.5;
kj = 1;
kc = 0;
T_new = T;
kl = 1;
fprintf('Solver 1 : Steady n Solver 2 : Unsteady n ' )
Solver = input('enter the number you want to select the solver :')
fprintf(' method 1 : Jacobi n method 2 : Gauss siedel n method 3 : SOR-g-s ')
method = input('enter the number you want to select the method :')
while error > 1e-4
for i=2:nx-1
for j = 2:ny-1
if solver == 1
if method == 1
T_new(i,j) = (1/k)*(((T(i-1,j) + T(i+1,j))/d_x^2) + ((T(i,j-1) + T(i,j+1))/d_x^2));
elseif method == 2
T_new(i,j) = (1/k)*((T_new(i-1,j)+T(i+1,j))/d_x^2) + (1/k)*((T_new(i,j-1) + T(i,j+1))/d_y^2);
elseif method == 3
T_new(i,j) = (1-w_opt)*T(i,j) + w_opt*(((1/k)*((T_new(i-1,j)+T(i+1,j))/d_x^2) + (1/k)*((T_new(i,j-1) + T(i,j+1))/d_y^2)));
if solver ==2
if method == 1
T_new(i,j) = ((term1)*T_prev(i,j)) + ((term2)*(T(i+1,j) + T(i-1,j))) + ((term3)*(T(i,j+1) + T(i,j-1)));
elseif method == 2
T_new(i,j) = ((term1)*T_prev(i,j)) + ((term2)*(T_new(i-1,j) + T(i+1,j))) + ((term3)*(T_new(i,j-1) + T(i,j+1)));
elseif method == 3
T_new(i,j) = (1-w_opt)*T(i,j) + w_opt*(((term1)*T_prev(i,j)) + ((term2)*(T(i+1,j) + T(i-1,j))) + ((term3)*(T(i,j+1) + T(i,j-1))));
error = max(max(abs(T_new - T)))
if kj == 1
fg = error;
if kj>=2
axis([0 10000 1e-4 10000])
hold on
if method == 1
elseif method == 2
title('convergence rate of iterative methods for Unsteady conuction equation time @ Iteration @',[toc kj])
fg = error;
kj = kj +1;
kc = kc+1;
T = T_new;
T_prev = T_new;
Results :
Jacobi steady and unsteady :
Gauss siedel steady and unsteady :
SOR steady and unsteady :
Transient Explicit Results :
Number of Iterations : 1436.
Note :
Using function defination this execution would be simpler.
Observations :
1. Succcessive over relaxation method is faster than other two methods.
2. Explicit Transient takes less iterations than Implicit successive over relaxation.
3. Implicit approach takes more iterations and more time to execute.
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