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Objectives To simulate and analyse flow over NACA 2412 Airfoil and calculate drag and lift coefficients for different angle of attack as follows. Angle of attack = 1º Angle of attack = 5º Angle of attack = 10º Angle of attack = 15º also to simulate for different Turbulence model k-ω -sst RNG -k-ϵ…
Shubham Sawarkar
updated on 03 Dec 2019
To simulate and analyse flow over NACA 2412 Airfoil and calculate drag and lift coefficients for different angle of attack as follows.
also to simulate for different Turbulence model
Problem Description
A NACA 2412 Airfoil is considered which is placed in flow 200000 Reynolds number at 300K. The Airfoil is kept at different angle of attack means the axis of airfoil is aligned at different angle with horizontal axis. As we move from edge to tail of the airfoil there is change in the geometry of the airfoil therefore the angle of attack at different point of foil changes along the length depending upon the angle of attack of the foil and geometry of the foil. As the angle of attack changes the force due to impact of fluid is different which depends upon the geometry and angle of attack. All the forces are resolved into two components one along horizontal axis and one along vertical axis. The net force acting along horizontal axis is called as Drag force and the net force acting along vertical axis is called as lift force.
The coordinates for 2412 Airfoil were taken from
chord length of Airfoil = 0.1 m
WindTunnel size - 5.2 m x 3.2 m x 0.5 m
Airfoil Material - Aluminium
For Reynolds Number 200000 inlet velocity is calculated as 15.68 m/s
Characteristic Dimension - chord length of Airfoil = 0.1 m
Data @300 K taken from
Initial Conditions
Solid Region - Aluminium @ 300K
Fluid Region - Air (0.7 N2 0.3 O2) @ 300K at 15.68 m/s
Boundary Condition
Simulation Parameters
Solver - Transient Solver
Simulation mode - Fully Hydrodynamic
Gas Flow Solver - Compressible
Start time - 0 s.
End Time - 1 s .
Time Interval for 3D output file - 0.01 s (Total 100 frames)
Time Interval for Text output file - 1e-7 s
Initial time-step - 1e-9 s
Minimum time-step - 1e -9 s
Maximum time step - 1 s
Turbulence model - k-ω -sst (for all 4 angle of attack)
Angle of attack for turbulence models compairison - 15°
Fixed Embedding -
Permanent Boundary embedding over airfoil of scale 4 upto 10 layers.
Permanent Box embedding over airfoil of scale 3.
Center point of the embedded box - 0.1 0.0 0.0
The half-size of the box - 0.25 0.25 0.25
Base Grid Size
x=0.04 m y = 0.04 m z = 0.1 m
Result and Analysis
1) Mesh
Figure 2 :MEsh
Figure 3: Mesh (zoomed upto box embedding)
Figure 4: Mesh (Zoomed upto airfoil)
Simulation (Case 1)
Velocity contours
Pressure Contours
Plot 1: Avg velocity vs time (case 1)
Plot 2: Pressure force along x-axis (drag) vs time (case 1)
Plot 3: Pressure force along y -axis (lift) vs time (case 1)
plot 4: Avg Y+ vs time (case 1)
Calculation of Drag and lift coefficient
Observation (Case 1)
Simulation (Case 2)
Velocity contours at (15 degree)
Plot 5:Average velocity vs time (case 2)
plot 6: Pressure force along x-axis vs time (case 2)
Plot 7: Pressure force along y-axis vs time (case 2)
.plot 8: Avg Y+ vs time (case 2)
Plot 9: Turbulent viscosity vs time (case 2)
Observation (Case 2)
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