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Objective :: Detail analysis of Stability analysis methods for numerical methods. 1. Types of Stability Analysis : The discrete Pertubation stability analysis. The Matrix method stability analysis. The Von-Neumann stability analysis. 2. Importance to understand stability analysis…
Epuri Yoga Narasimha
updated on 28 Feb 2021
Objective :: Detail analysis of Stability analysis methods for numerical methods.
1. Types of Stability Analysis :
2. Importance to understand stability analysis :
3. Von-Neumann staility analysis :
ϕ = Notation of error at time step (n+1).
ϕ = Notation of error at time step (n).
A = Amplification factor (or) growth term (or) decay term.
4. Amplification factor tell about the numerical method.
5. Types of Errors :
Difference between Exact solution of pde(E) and Exact solution of FDE(D).
Difference between Exact solution of FDE and Numerical solution of FDE(N).
6. Fourier series :
Since we considered the periodic boundary conditions , a periodic domain. Can represent the
and error in terms of fourier series.
k = wave number.
Over increasing the wave number the approximate solution converges.
Here we consider only one wave number , as the pde is linear , superposition of solutions of all
wavenumber also be a solution.
So , ϕnj=An⋅ei⋅k⋅j⋅Δx
Uniform grid : x = j⋅Δx.
7. Linear 1-D convection equation for FTBS :
Dicretization equation of advection equation -> ϕn+1j=ϕnj-c⋅(ϕnj-ϕnj-1)
c = courant number (c⋅ΔxΔt).
Substitute in ϕni=An⋅ei⋅kj⋅Δx
By simple mathematical manipulation ,
A = 1 - c*(1 - e-i⋅k⋅Δx).
e-i⋅k⋅Δx = cos(k⋅Δx)-i⋅sin(k⋅Δx).
From complex analysis , |A|2=A⋅A∗
Condition , |A|≤1.⇔|A|2-1≤0
so,0≤c≤1 , as domain of dependence of numerical solution present inside the domain of dependence of physical(domain)`
(CTCS) , (-1≤c≤1)
Code :::
%% Clearing commands
close all
clear all
% Input variables for the linear convection
L =1;
n = [20 , 40 , 80 ,160];
%n = 20;
c = 1;
dt = 1e-2;
t = 0.4;
nt = t/dt;
% Calculations
[q,u,dx] = linear_convection_func1(n,L);
u_initial = u;
for k = 1:length(n)
v = u{1,k};
cfl = (c*dt)/dx(k);
% Now for different time steps for velocity
% For loop for number of time steps
for i = 1:nt
% For loop for all grid velocity values in the mesh
for j = 2:length(q{1,k})
z(j) = v(1,j) - (c*dt)/dx(k)*(v(1,j) - v(1,j-1));
% Tried relaxation not pretty sure...
if cfl<1
cfl = 1.10*cfl
if cfl>1
cfl = cfl - 0.50*cfl
z(1) = 1;
v = z;
hold on
axis([0 1 0 2])
hold off
Description about code snippet :
1. Used clear command for to clear the data in the present interface.
2. Declared the required variables.
3. Used function defination , for to get data to plot the initial velocity profile for different number of grids considered.
4. Used for loops , to calculate velocity data and plot the results at the simulation time itslef using 'pause' command.
5. axis command , to set the axis bounds.
6. 'hold on' command used , not to clear axes properties for the corresponding future plots.
Function :::
function [q,v,dx] = linear_convection_func1(n,L)
for i = 1:length(n)
q{1,i} = linspace(0,L,n(i)); % Making mesh
x = q{1,i};
dx(i) = x(2) - x(1); % Grid spacing
u = 1*ones(1,n(i)); % Initial conditions
A = logical(x>=0.1 & x<=0.3);
index = find(A==1);
n_start = index(1);
n_end = index(end);
u(n_start:n_end) = 2;
v{1,i} = u;
1. find [start,stop] values.
2. U values;
Description of function code snippet :
1. Used function , to find the mesh discretization , grid spacing , velocity profiles data , start and end indices for grid locations (0.1 and 0.3).
2. Using simple steps and properties in matlab.
Results :
1. The first polt , for n = 20. (number of grids)
2. Fixed Time step (dt) = 1e-2.
3. Number of iterations , nt = t/dt = 40 time steps for final velocity profile.
-> dx = 0.006289308176101
-> dt = 1e-2.
-> Co = 1.5900 > 1 , Local truncation error increases instability occurs.
This condition is for courant number is 'one' , so No truncation erroe -> No diffusion...
For implicit method , let's consider the 2-D heat equation :
For heat equation unsteady -> CFL <= 0.5.
-> CFL < 0.5.
%% ****** Unsteady using Jacobi method ******
close all
clear all
nx = 20;
ny = 20;
nt = 1000;
x = linspace(0,1,nx);
y = linspace(0,1,ny);
dx = x(2) - x(1);
dy = y(2) - y(1);
y1 = 1;
error = 9e9;
tolerance = 1e-4;
dt = 6e-4;
alpha = 1.4;
T_L = 400;
T_R = 800;
T_T = 600;
T_B = 900;
T = 300*ones(nx,ny);
T(2:ny-1,1) = T_L;
T(2:ny-1,nx) = T_R;
T(1,2:nx-1) = T_T;
T(ny,2:ny-1) = T_B;
T(1,1) = (T_L + T_T)/2;
T(nx,ny) = (T_R + T_B)/2;
T(1,ny) = (T_T + T_R)/2;
T(nx,1) = (T_L + T_B)/2;
CFL = ((alpha*dt)/(dx^2)) + ((alpha*dt)/(dy^2))
k1 = (1 + ((2*alpha*dt)/(dx^2)) + ((2*alpha*dt)/(dy^2)));
k2 = ((alpha*dt)/(dx^2));
k3 = ((alpha*dt)/(dy^2));
Tp = T;
Tn =T;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
choose = input('enter 1 for implcit otherwise any number :');
for i = 1:1000% Time loop
error = 9e9;
while error > 1e-4
for j = 2:nx-1
for k = 2:ny-1
term1 = k1^(-1);
term2 = k2*term1;
term3 = k3*term1;
if choose ==1
Tn(j,k) = (term1*(Tp(j,k))) + (term2*(T(j+1,k) + T(j-1,k))) + (term3*(T(j,k+1) + T(j,k-1)));
title1 = sprintf('implicit');
Tn(j,k) = ((1 - 2*k2 - 2*k3)*T(j,k)) + (k2*(T(j+1,k) + T(j-1,k))) + (k3*(T(j,k+1) + T(j,k-1)));
title1 = sprintf('explicit');
error = max(max(abs(Tn - T)));
T = Tn;
Tp = Tn;
title2 = sprintf('Transient state using %s jacobi method CFL = %d' ,title1,CFL);
Results :
As can observe the results for CFL number > 0.5 , since CFL < 0.5 for 2-D heat conduction equation.
For implicit , no effect of CFL number , CFL gives the stability information only for explicit.
Implicit methods are always stable for any CFL number.
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