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1. Carry out a system level simulation of an all-terrain vehicle and Prepare tehnical report of Simulation explaining the model properties. Answer: Aim: To Prepare a detailed technical report on system-lvel simulation of an all-terrain vehicle explaining the model properties and comments on the results. An All-terrain…
Jiji M
updated on 13 Feb 2022
1. Carry out a system level simulation of an all-terrain vehicle and Prepare tehnical report of Simulation explaining the model properties.
Aim: To Prepare a detailed technical report on system-lvel simulation of an all-terrain vehicle explaining the model properties and comments on the results.
An All-terrain Vehicle or Light utility vehicle, is defined as a motorized off-highway vehicle designed to travel on 4 low-pressure or non-pneumatic tires, having a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and handlebars for steering control.
Here, we have to study about 4 cases:
1. Simulink Model for Baja ATV with CVT
2. Simulink Model for Baja ATV with CVT using Dashboard
3. Simulink Model for Baja ATV with CVT using Lookup table
4. Simulink Model for Baja ATV with CVT using Lokup table and Dashboard
A Continuosly Variable Transmission, or CVT is a type of automatic transmission that provides more usable power, better fuel economy and a smoother driving experience, than a traditional automatic transmission. CVT is different from that of traditional automatic trasmission, where they don't have gears that provide steps between low speed and high speed operations. The CVT is a system where we will be able to vary stepless transmission ratio without interruption of the torque flow. Therefore, an infinite number of ratios between, low(minimum) and high(maximum) values are possible. CVT draws top engine power from a small engine, which gives drivers quick accelaration, thn standard automatic transmissions.
Case 1. Simulink Model for Baja ATV with CVT:
The major componenets in the model will include a CVT block, Vehicle body, Gear trasmission ratio, engine and electric signal. Scope is connected to obtain the plots on results. Variable transmission/gear transmission ratio is represented by a variable ratio gearbox. Engine represents a system-level model of spark ignition and diesel engine suitable for use at the stages of modelling where only the basic parameters are available.
CVT Block:
Vehicle Body Subsystem:
Input Signal:
A signal builder is used to create signal for brake and throttle and gear ratio. Break input is maintained as 0 for the simulation. The throttle input is given as 0.3 for 20 secs and increase to to overall simulation. The gear ratio is maintained as 2.3 for 5 secs and linearly decreases to 1.8 and maintained constant for overall simulation.
Torque vs Engine speed input:
Output for case 1:
Vehicle Velocity:
Here the break is maintained as 0 and throttle increases, thereby it shows an increase in velocity. When the throttle increases from 0.3 to 1, the fuel flow will be increased and power in engine increases. The torque will be nearly 7Nm at 1.8 gear ratio, so the gear ratio will be directly proportional to torque.
CVT RPM(Primary and Secondary):
Since the radius of primary shaft is more than secondary shaft, the primary shaft will reach high speed, whereas the secondary shaft will be at a lw speed, since speed is sirectly roportinal to radius of shaft. As radius increases, speed will be increased.
Case 2: Simulink Model for Baja ATV with CVT using Dashboard
In this model, there is a dashboard with knobs used to control the inputs (brake and throttle). We are not using the signal builder to provide the brake and throttle inputs, instead knobs are provided for the user to change the parameters real-time.
Output for case 2:
Vehicle Velocity:
When the value of throttle input is increased the velocity is increased. When the brake input is increased the velocity is decreased.
CVT RPM(Primary and Secondary):
Since the radius of the primary shaft is more than secondary shaft, and the shaft speed will be directly proportinal to the radius, the speed will increase when the radius increase.
Case 3: Simulink Model for Baja ATV with CVT using Lookup table
In this model, the gear ratio input to CVT is provided using a lookup table. The vehicle and shaft outputs will be the same as that of first model with CVT.
CVT Block with Lookup table:
We are using lookup table for gear ratio which takes as input to CVT and works according to input gear ratio and obtained output. The emthod is very effective and we can avoid unusal torque or any discrepencies at different speed, and we will be able to attain great engine speed and velocity. it will work as a closed loop mechanism, where input is given using lookup table and simulink will get the value from the lookup table and the results are obtained according to input values of gear ratio. Gear ratio values ranges from 2.3 to 1.8 and maximum velocity is approximately 57 km/h.
Lookup table Visualisation:
Output for case 3:
Vehicle Velocity:
The gear ratio is assigned in the lookup table and is given as input to simulink model, it will read every input value and will provide results according to the input. When the throttle increases from 0.3 to 1, the fuel flow will be increased and power in engine increases. The torque will be nearly 7Nm at 1.8 gear ratio, so the gear ratio will be directly proportional to torque.
CVT RPM(Primary and Secondary):
Since the radius of primary shaft is more than secondary shaft, the primary shaft will reach high speed, whereas the secondary shaft will be at a lw speed, since speed is sirectly roportinal to radius of shaft. As radius increases, speed will be increased.
Case 4: Simulink Model for Baja ATV with CVT using Lookup table and Dashboard
In this case, we are using the dashboad with knobs to vary the input brake and throttle. The Gear ratio is given by the lok up table, simulink gets the input value from the lookup table and the results are plotted according to the lookup table.
Output for case 4:
Vehicle Velocity:
When the throttle input is maintained as constant value, the velocity of vehicle will be constant as well. When the throttle inpit is increased, vehicle velocity also increases. And we are using lookup table so that it woks as a closed loop and records the velocity value, and we can get any value for gear ratio, even it is beyond range, using extrapolation or interpolation by lookup table.
CVT RPM(Primary and Secondary):
When the throttle input is increased and brake input is increased, the primary shaft speed increases. The radius of the primary shaft is greater than secondary shaft and speed is directly proportinal to the shaft radius. So, when the radius is increased, the shaft speed will be increased as well. Since we are using dashboard, then we can vary throttle input and break input, to get any particular value of input.
When the value of throttle input increases, the velocity also increases as the fuel flow will be increased, when the vaue of brake input is increased, the velocity will be decreased. The radius of the primary shaft is greater than that of secondary shaft, and radius is directly proportional to the speed of the shaft. When the gear ratio increases, torque also increases, however, at particluar point, the torque will be decreasing with increase in gear ratio inorder to acheive maximum velocity, The lookup table can be used to prvide input values, which will help in removing unusual torque and we can vary the input values within and beyond the range, using extrapolation and interpolation methods.
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