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Objective : 1.To understand the effect of occurance of errors , while selecting the numerical schemes. 2.Numerical Discretization analysis for various Numerical schemes over a range of grid (or) mesh size. NOTE : Understanding the errors for numerical analysis is very important , this leads to optimize the output…
Epuri Yoga Narasimha
updated on 30 Jan 2021
Objective :
1.To understand the effect of occurance of errors , while selecting the numerical schemes.
2.Numerical Discretization analysis for various Numerical schemes over a range of grid (or) mesh size.
Understanding the errors for numerical analysis is very important , this leads to optimize the output of the problem during computations.
Results explanation below..
Types of errors:
1.Inherent errors -> These errors are already included in the problem statement.
2.Truncation errors. -> These errors are due to approximating the results , like in representation of infinite series as finite(truncating).
3. Round off Errors. -> These errors are depend on the precesion of the computer. rounding off during comutation.
Let x -> True value.
x' -> Approximate value.
4. Absolute Error -> |x - x'|.
5. relative Error -> |x-x′||x||x−x'||x|
6. percentage errors. -> |x-x′||x|⋅100|x−x'||x|⋅100
Command used :
loglog -> This command is used to plot the data that difference between the data are large.
log10 -> This command is used to represent the powers of 10 , as a numeric values.
abs -> give absolute value of the computation.
1. Forward Difference Approximation.
2. Central Difference Approximation.
3. Central 4th order Approximation.
Just imagine a tangent curve at the peak of curve of red curve , that our actual study.
But we study the secent lines represented in graph.
As can observe that central difference approximation is near to the model(more accurate).
Taylor Series Expansion :
For Foward Difference , put x = xi+1.
a = xi.
f(xi+1)=f(xi)+f′(xi)1!⋅(xi+1-xi)+f′′(xi)2!⋅(xi+1-xi)2+f′′′(xi)3!.(xi+1-xi)3+... --------->1
For Backward Difference , put x = xi-1.
a = xi.
f(xi-1)=f(xi)-f′(xi)1!⋅(xi-1-xi)+f′′(xi)2!⋅(xi-1-xi)2-f′′′(xi)3!.(xi-1-xi)3+... ----------->2
For Centeral Difference Approximation :
Subtract equation 2 from equation 1, we get
Divide by 2h on both sides
Can observe that order of Error is : O(h2)
Main Code Snippet :
%% Clearing commands
close all
clear all
dx = linspace(pi/4,pi/4000,20);
x = pi/3;
for i = 1:length(dx)
[order_1a(i)] = first_order_approximation(x,dx(i));
[order_2a(i)] = second_order_approximation(x,dx(i));
[order_4a(i)] = fourth_order_approximation(x,dx(i));
% plotting
% loglog(X,Y) plots x- and y-coordinates using a base 10 logarithmic scale on the x-axis and the y-axis.
hold on
xlabel('grid size on log1og scale')
ylabel('error on log1og scale')
hold on
xlabel('grid size on log10 scale')
ylabel('error on log10 scale')
grid on
Explanation :
1.At first , used clearing commands to clear the data on the present interface.
2. Declared required variables -> target value ,grid size.
3.Used functions in the for loop to get the required data from different numerical schemes.
4. For loop used to get data for all gris sizes.
5. using the data , plotted the data using loglog and log10.
6. Labeled the figure.
Explanation for all functions:
1. Structure of alll function are same.
2. function conatain 2 inputs and 1 output.
3. outputs from the function are absolute errors.
first_order_approximation code snipppet:
function out_first_order = first_order_approximation(x,dx)
out_first = (dis_r(x+dx) - dis_r(x))/dx;
True_value = (x^3*(cos(x)) - sin(x)*3*x^2)/(x^6);
out_first_order = abs(True_value-out_first);
second_order_approximation code snipppet:
function out_second_order = second_order_approximation(x,dx)
out_second = (dis_r(x+dx) - dis_r(x-dx))/(2*dx);
True_value = (x^3*(cos(x)) - sin(x)*3*x^2)/(x^6);
out_second_order = abs(True_value-out_second);
fourth_order_approximation code snipppet:
function out_fourth_order = fourth_order_approximation(x,dx)
out_fourth =(dis_r(x-2*dx) - 8*dis_r(x-dx) + 8*dis_r(x+dx) - dis_r(x+2*dx))/(12*dx);
True_value = (x^3*(cos(x)) - sin(x)*3*x^2)/(x^6);
out_fourth_order = abs(True_value-out_fourth);
Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Explanation of results:
1. from figure 1 , observed the variation of errors with gris size reinfinement.
2. Fourth order approximation(O(h4)) are very accurate than , first(O(h)) and second order(O(h2)) approximations.
3. From the figure 2 , log10 plot, easy to calculate the slops for all schemes , using data point as show in figure.
4. In figure 3 , calculated the slopes , and can observe that the slopes are equal to the order of approximation.
5. So ,order of approximation ttells about the steepness.
6. In figure 4 , considered first order approximation 'O(h)' , observed that on decreasing the h by 10 , error also get reduced by 10 since O(h).
Note :
1. If we opt for reducing the truncation error , the error will decrease upto certain fine h value , further error increase due to round off error
Codes for understanding round off and truncation error importance:
Step size 'h':
% To calculate numerical derivative of atna(x)
close all;
clear all;
a = 1;
trueval = 1/(1+a^2);
% Calculating derivatives for step size '1'
for i = 2:7
h = 10^(-i);
approxVal = (atan(a+h) - atan(a))/h;
err = abs(trueval - approxVal);
hAll(i-1) = h;
errAll(i-1) = err;
% Plot error vs step size
% we get a linear curve since error is order of h.
% so,if we decrease h by factor 10 , error also decrease by order 10.
Step size 'h10' :
%% Calculating derivatives for step size '2'
for i = 2:2:14
h = 10^(-i);
approxVal = (atan(a+h) - atan(a))/h;
err = abs(trueval - approxVal);
hAll(i/2) = h;
errAll(i/2) = err;
% trade off between truncation and round off errors ,while solving
% numerical derivatives.
% upto certain point the error get decreased by reducing step size(h) , and
% even by decreasing of step size(h) error get increased , this is due to
% round off errors.
% eps
% truncation , round-off , trade-off truncation and round-off errors results
%in some unique properties in numerical methods.
Step Size 'h' Step Size 'h10'
1. As can observe that , for grid size 'h' , error get reduced linearly.
2. On refining grid size 'h10' , error decreased and error increased , due to round-off errors (machine precsion).
Conclusion :
1. Analysed the errors in numerical schems , got their importance in computations.
2. Explained as per requirement.
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