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Aim : To demonstrate the working of an Otto cycle and write a Matlab code to plot graph of PV diagram & calculate its thermal efficiency Theory : Air standard cycle ( Otto cycle): an Otto cycle is an idealized thermodynamic…
Omkar Kudalkar
updated on 07 Jan 2021
Aim : To demonstrate the working of an Otto cycle and write a Matlab code to plot graph of PV diagram & calculate its thermal efficiency
Theory : Air standard cycle ( Otto cycle): an Otto cycle is an idealized thermodynamic cycle that describe the function of a typical spark plug engine (petrol engine).It is most found in auto mobile engines.
QA=Cv(T3-T2) KJ/KG % mass = 1kg assume
QR=Cv(T4-T1) KJ/KG
nOo=1-T4-T1T3-T2 equation no. 1
Therfore, T2=T1(rc)γ-1 equation no. 2
( Reversible Isentropic process )
Put “T2”&“T3” in equation no. 1
Therefore, 〖n〗Oo=1-1rγ-1
Result if “ r ” compression ratio increases then efficiency of Otto cycle increases.
bore = 0.1
Stroke = 0.1
Con_rod = 0.15
Cr = 12
v_swept = pi/4*bore^2*stroke;
v_clearance = v_swept/(cr-1);
a = stroke/2 | ratio of con_rod to crank pin radius
R = con_rod/a
Formula for How volume inside the combustion chamber is going to change derived from pure geometric reletion
theta = 0
term 1 = 0.5*(cr-1)
term 2 = R +1 – cosd(theta) |cosd because cos in degree
term 3 = [ R^2 – sind(theta)^2]^0.5
V = [1 + term1*(term2 –term3)]*Vc
Points to remember :-
function [V] = engine_kinematics( bore, stroke, con_rod, cr, start_crank, end_crank )
a = stroke/2
R = con_rod/a
v_s = pi/4*bore^2*stroke;
v_c = v_s/(cr-1);
theta = linspace(start_crank,end_crank,100);
term1 = 0.5*(cr-1)
term2 = R + 1 - cosd(theta);
term3 = (R^2 - sind(theta).^2).^0.5;
V = (1 + term1*(term2 - term3)).*v_c;
Using the above code we could plot the pv daigram but yet it will not follow the path which it should be,because matlab code is just joining the points of compression, combustion, expansion,exhaust.
where on otherside it should follow th actuall path by taking each stages in account,it could be achieved by determining the constant K.
P_compression*V_compression^gamma =constant_c
P_compression = constant_c./v_compression^gamma
t2 = p2*v2*t1/(p1*v1)
constant_c = p1*v1^gamma;
V_compression = engine_kinematics(bore, stroke, con_rod, cr, 180,0);
P_compression = constant_c./V_compression.^gamma;
From the above code we can determine P_compression and plot it against V_compression to follow the desired path.
Similarly we could determine Expansion stage,and plot V_expansion against P_expansion.
p3 = p2*t3/t2
constant_c = p3*v3^gamma;
V_expansion = engine_kinematics(bore, stroke, con_rod, cr, 180,0);
P_expansion = constant_c./V_expansion.^gamma;
Final plot following desired paths after adding Title & Label is Coded below :-
grid on;
grid minor;
hold on
plot(V_compression, P_compression,'linew',3)
plot([v2 v3],[p2 p3],'linew',3)
plot(V_expansion, P_expansion,'linew',3)
plot([v4 v1],[p4 p1],'linew',3)
%Adding the Labels
xlabel('Volume in m^3')
ylabel('Pressure in Pa')
%Adding the Title
title ('PV daigram of an IC engine ');
Output :- The thermal efficiency of the Cycle is given following code as mention below.
%Calculating Thermal Efficiency
thermal_efficiency = 1-1./cr^(gamma-1);
%Print the thermal efficiency
fprintf(['The thermal efficiency of the cycle is : ' num2str(thermal_efficiency)]);
Final Matlab Code :-
clear all
close all
gamma = 1.4 ; t3 = 2300
%State variable at point 1
p1 = 101325
t1 = 500
%Engine gometric parameters
bore = 0.1;
stroke = 0.1;
con_rod = 0.15;
cr = 12;
%Calculating the swept volume and clearance volume
v_swept = (pi/4)*bore.^2.*stroke;
v_clearance = v_swept/(cr -1);
v1 = v_swept + v_clearance
v2 = v_clearance
%State vairable at state point 2
%p2v2^gamma = p1v1^gamma
%p2 = p1*(cr).^gamma
p2 = p1*(cr).^gamma
%Ideal Gas Law
%p1v1/t1 = p2v2/t2
%t2 = p2v2.*t1/(p1*v1)
t2 = p2*v2*t1/(p1*v1)
constant_c = p1*v1^gamma;
V_compression = engine_kinematics(bore, stroke, con_rod, cr, 180,0);
P_compression = constant_c./V_compression.^gamma;
%State variable at state point 3
v3 = v2
%p3v3/t3 = p2v2/t2 | p3 = p2*t3/t2
p3 = p2*t3/t2
constant_c = p3*v3^gamma;
V_expansion = engine_kinematics(bore, stroke, con_rod, cr, 180,0);
P_expansion = constant_c./V_expansion.^gamma;
%State variables at state point 4
v4 = v1
%p3v3^gamma = p4v4^gamma | p4 = p3*(v3/v4)^gamma
p4 = p3*(v3/v4)^gamma
grid on;
grid minor;
hold on
plot(V_compression, P_compression,'linew',3)
plot([v2 v3],[p2 p3],'linew',3)
plot(V_expansion, P_expansion,'linew',3)
plot([v4 v1],[p4 p1],'linew',3)
%Adding the Labels
xlabel('Volume in m^3')
ylabel('Pressure in Pa')
%Adding the Title
title ('PV daigram of an IC engine ');
legend('Co %Calculating Thermal Efficiency
thermal_efficiency = 1-1./cr^(gamma-1);
%Print the thermal efficiency
fprintf(['The thermal efficiency of the cycle is : ' num2str(thermal_efficiency)]);
Conclusion :-
In this Report Otto cycle was studied and was plotted using Matlab,Important insights are obtained on the efficiency and the plotting of the cycle.Matlab is very powerful tool especially when it comes to numerical computing.
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