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Adnan Zaib Bhat

I am a mechanical engineer graduate interested in the digital world.

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I am Adnan Zaib Bhat. I graduated from Government College of Engineering & Technology, Jammu in Mechanical Engineering (July 2018). During the course, I learnt a lot of subjects related to Mechanical Engineering. However, I would find it hard to work and comprehend some of the applied subjects like design, strength analysis, discrete fluid mechanics, fluid dynamics. As such, I tried to explore the world of design software and programming courses. These enhance one's understanding and make one's physical work easier and mental work brighter, paving the way to innovation and creativity. This is all possible because of the immense computer resources.  Currently, I am enrolled In the Matlab, Python and SolidWorks For Mechanical Engineers course. I hope to learn and grow with this course and move ahead in the designing and computational fluid dynamics field.  

17 Projects

File Parsing and Data Analysis in Python Part I (Interactive Parsing and Data Visualisation)


1) File Parsing Definition: Parse essentially means to ''resolve (a sentence) into its component parts and describe their syntactic roles''. In computing, parsing is 'an act of parsing a string or a text'. [Google Dictionary]File parsing in computer language means to give a meaning to the characters of a text file as per…


15 Jan 2019 02:28 PM IST

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    Coding PV-Plot of an Otto Cycle and Calculating the Thermal Efficiency


    A code in MatLab to plot the PV Diagram and Thermal Efficiency of an Otto Cycle. Explanations are given in the comments following the code parts. The relationship between the crank-angle and Volume-traced is used in the code to derive the adiabatic curves. Thermal Efficiency has been calculated by the general otto…


    16 Nov 2018 10:57 AM IST

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      Curve Fitting: Linear, Cubic, Polynomial (1-5), Piecewise, Goodness of Fit and Regression Analysis In Python.


      Curve Fitting Curve fitting is a process of determining a possible curve for a given set of values. This is useful in order to estimate any value that is not in the given range. In other words, it can be used to interpolate or extrapolate data. A good curve fit is one which will be able to predict and explain the trend…


      03 Dec 2018 02:36 PM IST

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        File Parsing and Data Analysis in Python Part I (Interactive Parsing and Data Visualisation)


        1) File Parsing Definition: Parse essentially means to ''resolve (a sentence) into its component parts and describe their syntactic roles''. In computing, parsing is 'an act of parsing a string or a text'. [Google Dictionary]File parsing in computer language means to give a meaning to the characters of a text file as per…


        09 Jan 2019 02:59 AM IST

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          Second Order Differential Equations and Simulating the Motion of a Damped Oscillator


          Programme for the animation of a Damped Pendulum Motion   close all %clears all figures clear all %clears all variables clc %clears the command window %Given conditions for the pendulum b =0.05; %Damping constant/coefficient g = 9.81; %acc. due to gravity in m/s^2 l=1; % length of the pendulum in m m=0.1; % mass of…


          15 Aug 2018 08:53 AM IST

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            Interactive NASA Polynomial File Parsing in MatLab


            **This project parses the NASA Polynomials file in an interactive programme where the user can enter the name of a species (which exists in the data file), and the code creates and stores the plots of specific heats, entropies, and enthalpies of the species in particular folders. **   A) File Parsing Meaning:…


            26 Oct 2018 10:24 AM IST

            • MATLAB
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            Polynomial Curve-fitting, RMS Error and Goodness of the Curve Fit (Order = 1 - 10) in MatLab


            Curve fitting is a process of determining a possible curve for a given set of values. This is useful in order to estimate any value that is not in the given range. In other words, it can be used to interpolate or extrapolate data. Polynomial curve fitting or Polynomial Regression is a process where the given data-set curve…


            23 Nov 2018 12:39 PM IST

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              Plotting Drag Forces vs (Velocities and Drag Coeff) Over A Moving Body in Python


              This program code in python helps to visualise the effect of the drag forces on a moving body at different speeds and at different drag coefficients.   Drag Force The drag force is a type of fluid friction or resistance which is experienced by a body moving inside a fluid medium. Depending upon the type of the…


              21 Oct 2018 11:28 AM IST

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              Constrained Optimisation Using Lagrange Multipliers


              Problem: Minimize: `5-(x-2)^2 -2(y-1)^2`; subject to the following constraint: `x + 4y = 3` 1) Lagrange Multipliers Lagrange multipliers technique is a fundamental technique to solve problems involving constrained problems. This method is utilised to find the local minima and maxima subjected to (at least one) equality…


              22 Dec 2018 06:32 PM IST

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              Otto Cycle Plot Generator Using Python Function


              Otto Cycle An Otto cycle is an idealized thermodynamic cycle that describes the functioning of a typical petrol or spark-ignition piston engine (Otto engine). The Otto cycle is a description of what happens to a mass of gas as it is subjected to changes in pressure, temperature, volume, addition,…


              28 Oct 2018 02:39 PM IST

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                Finding Minimum Air Cushion Pressure With Newton-Raphson Method in Python


                1) Air Cushion Vehicle  [source:] A hovercraft, also known as an air-cushion vehicle or ACV, is an amphibious craft capable of travelling over land, water, mud, ice, and other surfaces. Hovercraft use blowers to produce a large volume of air below the hull that…


                07 Dec 2018 02:00 PM IST

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                  Robotic Arm Simulation In Python (2D)


                  2D Animation In Python: A basic robotic arm has two essential parts: the main arm and the manipulator. The main arm is the backbone or the support and can rotate with the base and lean in or out based on the requirements. Thus, the arm defines the reach of the robot. The manipulator or grabber is the end part attached…


                  21 Oct 2018 12:00 PM IST

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                  File Parsing and Data Analysis in Python Part II (Area Under Curve and Engine Performance)


                  1) Integration/Area Under Curve 1.1 PV Diagram  In thermodynamics, a PV diagram is a plot which shows the relationship between the pressure and volume for a particular process.  We know that ` dw = p.dv` is the small work done by the process at a particular instance. Hence, total work done by a process from…


                  08 Jan 2019 06:07 AM IST

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                    Row and Column Matrix


                    %  Various methods for Row-vector making  a= [ 1 2 3 4 5] %entering direct values a1= [1,2,3,4,5] % using commas to seperate the elements b=1:50   %incremental without the use of \'\'[]\'\' c=[1:50]  %Incremental with \'\'[]\'\' c=[1:0.1:2] % With an increment of 0.1 a= rand(1,5) %using random…


                    27 Aug 2018 03:53 PM IST

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                      2-D Robotic Arm Manipulator Animation


                      % Forward Kinematic of a 2-D Robotic Arm Manipulator clear all close all clc l1= 2; %langth of base arm l2=1; %length of hand/grabber t1=linspace(0,90,20); %range of angles, i.e., the space for the movements t2=linspace(0,90,20); c=1; for i=1:length(t1) T1=t1(i); for j=1:length(t2) T2= t2(j); x0=0; y0=0; x1= l1*cosd(T1);…


                      15 Aug 2018 01:16 PM IST

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                        Genetic Algorithm. Finding The Global Maxima of The Stalagmite Function in MatLab


                        1. Genetic Algorithm A Genetic Algorithm is an optimisation technique which is used to minimise a certain function. When used in optimisation, generally its purpose is to minimise the error of a function. It is often used in curve fitting. This algorithm is named 'Genetic', because of its structure. It is a '…


                        18 Nov 2018 12:31 PM IST

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                          Curve-Fitting by Piece-wise Curves and Spline Function in MatLab


                          Curve fitting is a process of determining a possible curve for a given set of values. This is useful in order to estimate any value that is not in the given range. In other words, it can be used to interpolate or extrapolate data. We can fit a curve either by using the polynomial regression (check out: Polynomial Curve-fitting,…


                          18 Nov 2018 12:30 PM IST

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                            Showing 1 of 17 projects

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