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coursePost Graduate Program in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Design and Analysis
coursePost Graduate Program in Computational Fluid Dynamics
coursePost Graduate Program in CAD
coursePost Graduate Program in CAE
coursePost Graduate Program in Manufacturing Design
coursePost Graduate Program in Computational Design and Pre-processing
coursePost Graduate Program in Complete Passenger Car Design & Product Development

Simulation of Long Piston with Cam using ANSYS Workbench

In this project, you will learn how Transient Structural Analysis system works in ANSYS workbench and setup the case for Long Piston and Cam. Here, you will determine how the rigid part behaves, the effects of friction on the motion and the stress generated due to this change in friction.

  • Mechanical Engineering

Duration :

1 month

Project Fees :

INR 12,000

Benefits of this Project

In this project, you will learn how Transient Structural Analysis system works in ANSYS workbench and setup the case for Long Piston and Cam. Here, you will determine how the rigid part behaves, the effects of friction on the motion and the stress generated due to this change in friction.

What will you do in this project?

Step 1 - Importing Geometry

Step 2 - Contacts and Mesh Generation

Step 3 - Apply Boundary Conditions and Run the Simulation

Step 4 - Post Processing the Results

In this project, you will work on a long piston and cam and determine the effect of friction on the work-piece. You will do the following in this project,

  • You will import the given CAD model into Ansys workbench and fix the CAD if there are any issues

  • Assign proper materials to the bodies and generate mesh to the work-piece and the tool.

  • Assign proper boundary conditions to the model and run the simulation
  • Requesting and post-processing the results.

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1 month

Domain :

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1 month

Domain :

Mechanical Engineering

In this project, you will be learning to set up a three-point bending of an iPhone for various positions of loading using ANSYS Workbench. This project will concentrate on the core technical aspects such as the effect of the choice of material, connections, meshing, boundary conditions, and the various results which are to be obtained and analysed such the Equivalent von-mises stress, Equivalent von-mises strain, the total deformation, the use of fatigue tool to find out the life of the component, etc. The project will also concentrate on the various effects of the S-N curve defined for various materials along with the number of cycles for fatigue loading.

1 month

Domain :

Mechanical Engineering , Materials Engineering

Project Highlights

The project is an beginner level project


Work with Multiple Tools


Simulation of Long Piston with Cam using ANSYS Workbench

In this project, you will learn about the Transient Structural Analysis system available in ANSYS Workbench and set up the case of Long piston with cam. The given CAD model is imported and checked for any geometry issues. The appropriate materials are assigned to the parts and the required parts are made rigid. Based on the motion, contacts and joints are defined and the whole model is meshed. The boundary conditions required are employed and the model is simulated for various friction values. Appropriate number of steps with appropriate time step values are inputted and the simulation is carried. You will extract the results for both the piston and cam and compare the results between them. You will generate a report for all your findings.

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