Creating Conceptual mass in REVIT and Creation of Sinusoidal curve and a Parametric stadium using Dynamo
Dynamo is an open source visual programming language for Revit, written by designers and construction professionals. Its a programminglanguage that allows you to type lines of code; while also creating an algorithm that consist of nodes.
Using dynamo work can be carried out with enhanced BIM capabiilities in Revit.Dynamo and Revit an together be utilized to model and analyze complex geometries, automate repetative processes,minimize human error and export data to exer and other file types.Dynamo can make the design process more efficient with an intuitive interface and many pre made scripting libraries availabe as well.
The user interface for dynamo is organized into five main areas, largest being the workspace where programms are processed and this user interface sections include
- Main Menu
- Toolbar
- Library
- Work Space
- Execution Bar
The workspace is the place where designers develop visual programs but it is also the place where any elaborate geometry is previewed.
Conceptual mass of a building contains different types of parameters like level, floor area, floor perimeter and architect can generate early quanties takeoff from the mass. In Bim modelling services the conceptual mass of a building can be exported to to any other format for performing early energy analysis.
To create a set of sinusoidal points, a curve and a surface out of the curve using dynamo.
- Initially, open the architecture template of Revit software and go to manage tab.
- In manage tab select the dynamo.
- Then dynamo window opens and then go to new option.

- Now, start the process by inserting three integer slider.
- This can be done by typing code block in the library search panel.
- One block is named start ( Value - 5),
- Second one end (Value - 300).
- Third one step (Value - 1).

- Now, type range in the search panel of the library and insert it.

- Now, connect these three code block as input to the range block.

- Now, search points by coordinates in the search panel.
- Then, connect the range block to the x coordinate of the point by coordinate block.

- Now, we have to produce sin wave out of these points for which we have to insert sin function which is given by math.sin option in the library.

- Sin values are very small so, we need to amplify it. For this, insert another integer slider and name it as amplifier.

- This, amplifier code block needs to be multiplied to the sin block.
- For this, search product function in the library.
- Input for x value is sin block and for y value is amplifier.

- Next, we have to provide phase for the sin curve.
- So, again insert an integer slider and name it as Phase.

- Now, the phase block is theen added to the amplified sin block(*).
- For this, insert add operator block from library.

- Now, this is then connected to the y coordinate of the points by coordinates block.

- Hence, the set of sinusoidal points are obtained.
- Now, we have to convert them to a curve.
- The curve can be created from nurbscurve.
- Search Nurbscurve in library and choose nurbs cuvrve by control points
- Now, connect the Points by coordinate block as input for the nurbs curve. A line will be developed connecting the points.

- Hence, sinusoidal curve is also developed.
- The next step is to develop surface.
- For this, first create a group of these items for easy manipulation.
- This can be done by selecting the required input blocks and then go to edit option in the top portion and then choose create node from selection.
- The entire thing will be grouped together.

- Now, copy this entire blocks two times to create the surface.
- Adjust phase to view the two curves that is copied.

- Next step is to create the surface.
- For this, first create a list.
- This can be done by searching list.create in the search panel of library.
- Then connect all the output of the sine curves as input for the list.
- This will serve as the input for surface by loft block.

- Now, we have to create the surface.
- For this, search surface by loft

- Hence, the surface is developed out of the curve.
- A set of sinusoidal points have been created as follows:

- Sinusoidal curve connecting points is developed as given below:

- Surface is developed out of the curves as follows:

To create a conceptual layout of a floor plan in dynamo.
- Open a new architectural template.
- Go to manage tab and open the dynamo --> New.

- Inorder to create the wall first we have to create four control points.
- For this, search points by coordinates in the search panel of the library.
- 1st one is named as origin (0,0,0) and the rest is named as control point 1(x,0,0), control point 2(0,y,0) and control point 3(x,y,0).

- Now, provide two integer sliders to provide the values for x and y.

- Now, we have to connect these points by a line.
- So for this, search line by start and end point and insert 4 blocks.
- The input for these blocks are the points created previously.

- Hence, the layout of the floor plan is obtained.

- Now, search wall in the panel and choose wall by curve and height.
- So, for this input required are curve, height, level and wall type. Inputs are given as follows:
- For curve, combine all the four lines in a list by choosing list.create.
- For height, another number slider is chosen and name it as height.
- For level, search level in the search panel it will contain the levels availbale in your revit folder. Then choose the level in which you want to place your structure.
- For wall type, search wall type in the panel and it will display the wall types linked in the revit file.

- The floor plan layout is given below:

- Now, go to revit file to view the 3D form where the height of the wall is visible.

- The height of the wall can be adjusted using the slider.
- Now, we have to place the floor.
- For this, type floor in the library and select floor by outlinecurve, floor type and level.

- This can be viewed in 3D view in revit file.

Hence the conceptual floor plan layout has been developed and is as follows:

To create an array of model elements in revit.
- Open a new architectural template in revit file.
- In that go to architecture tab --> Columns --> Architectural column --> Place the column (610mmx610mm).
- Now, similarly 16 columns are created.

- The properties of the model elements are varied using dynamo.
- Now, open dynamo.
- In the search panel of the library search select model elements, integer slider and set rotation.
- The integer slider is renamed as rotation angle.
- Now, select model elements block will be the input for family instance and integer slider ( rotation angle) will be input for degree.

- The rotation angle can be varied to desired value.
The array of model elements have been created and their properties are being varied through the blocks created in dynamo.

To create a conceptual mass in Revit and develop a parametric column by dividing the surfaces.
- Open revit software and under the families open a new --> conceptual mass --> mass.
- Now, go to elevation view and create a level at 3.6m and name it as Height of roof.

- Now, using spline tool draw the desired outline for the walkway.

- Now, we have to create a profile to sweep through the curve.
- For this, we have to set the workplane at the points and develop a polygon at the workplane keeping the point as centre.

- Now, a polygon is developed with point as center.

- Similarly, workplane and polygon is developed at all the nodes.

- Now, we have to create the surface which done through sweep.
- For this, select all the polygons and the curve line and choose create form option.

- Now, select the entire form and then filter and retain only the form.

- Now, select the form --> divide surface --> Then provide the pattern (triangle bent).

- Now, open a new family -->Curtain panel pattern based.

- Now, select the pattern as triangle bent.

- Then, create a reference point at centre of the face.
- Then draw a circle of radius 3" at that reference point.

- Now, select the pattern, refrence plane and circle created and choose create form.

- Now, load this into the project.
- Now, select the enitre form of the walkway and filter it to retain only the divided surface.
- Then in the pattern select the family that we havee created just now.

Hence, the conceptual mass have been created.
Result :
The conceptual mass have been created in Revit and is given as follows:

To develop a Parametric Stadium using dynamo in Revit.
- Initially open a new architectural template in Revit and then open dynamo.
- Basic parameters to design a high rise structure is created as input in dynamo.
- Four integer sliders is taken from the library for the following:
- Number of levels
- Floor to floor height
- Bottom floor rotation
- Top floor rotation

- Now, insert a code block from the library to combine level and floor to floor height and type 0..#levels..Floorheight.
- Now, connect the integer sliders named as levels and floor to floor hegiht as input to the code block.

- Now, search coordinates by origin in the library and insert it.
- Then connect the code block as input for z coordinate in the coordinate by origin block.

- Five points are generated corresponding to 5 levels.
- Now, insert rectangle by width and length from the library.
- For this, inputs requied are coordinate system, length and width.
- So insert integer slider for length and width.
- Then connect the inputs for the rectangle block.

- Now we have to rotate the geometry.
- So, for this insert the rotate block from the library. The inputs required are:
- Geometry : Rectangle block
- Origin: insert an origin block from the library.
- Axis: insert vector Z axis from the library.
- Degrees: For this insert a code block and type Bottom..Top..#level. The inputs for this code block is already available i.e, Bottom floor rotation, top floor rotation and levels.

- Now, we have to create surface, for this type surface by loft in library.
- Then connect Geometry.rotate block as input for Surface by loft.

- Hence, the parametric stadium have been created.
- The number of levels and width and length of the rectangle can varied accordingly.

- In revit structure is visible as follows:

The Parametric Stadium have been created and is as given below: