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Car hood modeling using ANSA

##Comments by Grader## Nice Work Kiran. Keep Doing like this._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Aim: To clean the geometry and perform 2d meshing on the given car hood model according to the required Element Quality criteria. Procedure: …

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Calculating the Stretch Ratio and comparing the ELFORM (-2,-1,1,2) with Ogden_Material Model by plotting the stress vs stretch ratio curves.


OBJECTIVE: To Create a block of 10mmx10mmx10mm dimension with 10 elements for each direction and use the material card attached (Ogden_Material.k) Use appropriate boundary conditions to simulate tensile behavior for the model and finally compare the results from your simulation to the plot above up to stretch ratio…


02 Oct 2020 07:18 PM IST

  • FEA
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Modelling Spotwelds in LS Dyna


OBJECTIVE:  To model a set of spot welds for the given assembly of parts by using both 1d beam elements and 3d Hexa elements.  To simulate a crash test for the given assembly and compare the results in both the cases. Deliverables ==>   - Input .k file and output files (d3plot, glstat, sleout, rcforc)…


18 Sep 2020 08:14 PM IST

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    31 Aug 2020 04:23 PM IST

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      Drop test Challenge


      OBJECTIVE: To build the input deck for a drop test simulation from scratch. Note: The orientation of the cellphone is also important and there are specific guidelines on how to orient the products but for this assignment, we will ignore that. The objective of this assignment is not to get a correct simulation but to get…


      25 Aug 2020 08:56 AM IST

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        Solving a simple problem using both Explicit and Implicit Analysis


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          11 Aug 2020 03:52 PM IST

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            Simulating a Roof crush analysis as per FMVSS 216 using RADIOSS solver.


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            24 Jul 2020 08:15 AM IST

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              Side pole-crash analysis of a reduced BIW model of Neon car using RADIOSS Solver.


              ============================================================================================= The instructions for this assignment were as follows: Check the unit system and either follow [Mg mm s] or [Kg mm ms]. Create an appropriate interface, friction 0.2, and recommended parameters. Make sure of no penetration and…


              21 Jul 2020 07:39 PM IST

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              BIW Frontal crash simulation using RADIOSS SOLVER.


              ============================================================================================= The instructions for this assignment were as follows: Check the unit system and either follow[Mg mm s] or [Kg mm ms]. Create an appropriate interface, friction 0.2, and recommended parameters. Make sure of no penetrations and…


              19 Jul 2020 06:17 PM IST

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              Studying the effect of Inacti flag 6 using the example of a crash tube simulation with some initial penetrations using RADIOSS SOLVER.


              OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of the Inacti flag 6 using the example of a crash tube simulation with some initial penetrations in Radioss.  PROCEDURE:  Import the given solver deck in Hypercrash. The model consists of 4 components and a rigid body connected to one end of the crash tube. Fig 1. The imported model…


              18 Jul 2020 06:46 PM IST

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                OBJECTIVE: To simulate the event of a crash tube crashing onto a rigid wall using the given Radioss starter input file and compare the results for the following cases: Case 1: Run the analysis as it is, without making any changes in the given Radioss starter input file. Case 2: Run the analysis after changing the value…


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                29 Jun 2020 03:53 PM IST

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                  Comparing the event of a rail crashing on to a rigid wall using default shell element properties and recommended shell element properties in Radioss.


                  Objective:  To simulate the event of a rail crashing on to a rigid wall using both the default and the recommended shell element properties and to compare the two results.   Procedure: CASE 1: Simulation with default shell element properties                   …


                  23 Jun 2020 04:50 PM IST

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                  Modeling the given components with 2d shell elements in Hypermesh


                  Objective: To model the given geometry using 2d shell elements in Hypermesh. Quality criteria:  S.N Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target Element Length  5 2 Min. Length 3.5mm 3 Max. Length 7mm Procedure:  Part 1: Import the given geometry in Hypermesh.           …


                  22 Jun 2020 09:47 AM IST

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                    16 Jun 2020 09:23 PM IST

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                      Objective: To model the given geometry of a plastic cup holder using 2d shell elements in Hypermesh. Quality criteria:  S.N Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target Element Length  5 2 Aspect Ratio  3 3 Skewness 45 4 Warping 30 5 Taper      0.5 6 Min. Length 3mm 7 Max. Length 7mm 8…


                      16 Jun 2020 09:22 PM IST

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                        FEA Modeling of a Plastic container in Hypermesh.


                        Objective: To model the given geometry of a plastic container using 2d shell elements in Hypermesh. Quality criteria:  S.N Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target Element Length  5 2 Aspect Ratio  3 3 Skewness 45 4 Warping 30 5 Taper      0.5 6 Min. Length 3mm 7 Max. Length 7mm 8…


                        16 Jun 2020 09:19 PM IST

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                          Modeling the plastic components of the side door of a car using 2d shell elements in Hypermesh


                          Objective:  To model the given geometry of a Side door using 2-d shell elements as per the required quality criteria in Hypermesh. To assign correct thickness to different parts of the geometry. Quality Criteria:  S.N Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target length 4 mm 2 Aspect Ratio  5 3 Skewness 45…


                          28 May 2020 08:51 PM IST

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                            Assembly of a Frame using suitable connections in HyperMesh


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                            08 May 2020 08:04 AM IST

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                              Objective: To write a python code to calculate the minimum cushion pressure needed to break a given thickness of ice using an Air Cushion Vehicle by using the Newton Raphson Method for finding the root. To calculate the optimum value of the relaxation factor assuming the thickness of ice to be 0.6 feet.   Theory:…


                              07 May 2020 06:21 AM IST

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                                Program to simulate otto cycle


                                Objective: To write a program to solve an otto cycle and make p-v plot for it to output thermal efficiency of the engine  Program: \'\'\' otto cycle simulator program \'\'\' import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def engine_kinematics(bore,stroke,con_rod,cr,start_theta,end_theta): a = stroke / 2 R = con_rod /…


                                07 May 2020 06:21 AM IST

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                                  Program to simulate the forward kinematics of a 3R Robotic Arm


                                  Objective: To write a program to simulate the forward kinematics of a 3R Robotic Arm  To create an animation file of the plot Program: import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt l1 = 3 l2 = 2 l3 = 1 x0 = 0 y0 = 0 theta_start = 0 theta_end = math.pi/2 n_theta = 7 theta_1 = [] for i in range(0,n_theta): tmp_theta =…


                                  07 May 2020 06:21 AM IST

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                                    Program to simulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm


                                    Objective: To write a program to simulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm  To create an animation file of the plot Program: '''Program for 2R Robotic arm simulator. there are two links of length, l1 and l2 respectively. theta_1 and theta_2 are the angles made by these links with the horizontal at different…


                                    07 May 2020 06:21 AM IST

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                                      Damped simple pendulum motion simulator using Python


                                      Objective:  To write a program to simulate the transient behavior of a simple pendulum.(Simulate the motion between 0-20 sec, for angular displacement=0,angular velocity=3 rad/sec at time t=0) To create an animation of its motion. Theory:  A pendulum is a weight suspended from a pivot so that it can swing…


                                      07 May 2020 06:21 AM IST

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                                        Program to calculate drag forces experienced by a cyclist.


                                        Program #1: Plot velocity v/s drag force for a cyclist  '''Program for calculating and plotting the drag force experienced by a cyclist when riding at different speeds. Here, the Drag force is calculated as '0.5*density*frontal_area*velocity^2*drag_coefficient' ''' import math # import required modules. import matplotlib.pyplot…


                                        07 May 2020 06:20 AM IST

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                                          Curve fitting for a given data using python


                                          Objective: To write a code to fit a linear and cubic polynomial for the Cp data Program: #import the necessary moddules or libraries. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit #define the function to read the notepad data file def read_file(): temperature = [] cp = [] for line…


                                          07 May 2020 06:20 AM IST

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                                            Diesel engine simulator using python


                                            Objective: To write a python code to simulate a diesel cycle and plot the corresponding p-v diagram for the cycle. Theory: The diesel cycle is a combustion process of a reciprocating internal combustion engine. In it, fuel is ignited due to the heat generated during the compression of air in the combustion chamber, into…


                                            07 May 2020 06:18 AM IST

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                                              Creating 1-d elements in HyperMesh


                                              Objective: To create 1-d elements on the given component with given cross-section and DOF : a. Rod element:- with only translational DOF and RBE2 link Cross-Section: BOX- Dimension a= 12 mm                               dimension b=10 mm  …


                                              07 May 2020 06:18 AM IST

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                                                Modeling a car back door using 2-d elements in HyperMesh


                                                Objective: To model the given Back door geometry of a car using 2d Elements in HyperMesh.  Quality criteria:  S.N Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target Element Length  5 2 Aspect Ratio  3 3 Skewness 45 4 Warping 30 5 Taper      0.5 6 Min. Length 3mm 7 Max. Length 7mm 8 Min angle…


                                                05 May 2020 07:56 AM IST

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                                                  Modeling back door assembly of a hatchback car using 2-d elements in HyperMesh


                                                  Objective:  To model the given back door geometry of a hatchback car using 2d mesh, meeting the required quality criteria. Quality criteria:  S.N Quality Criteria  Value  1 Aspect Ratio  5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper      0.5 5 Min. Length 4mm 6 Max. Length 7mm 7 Min angle…


                                                  01 May 2020 12:27 AM IST

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                                                    Modeling a car Hood Geometry using 2-d Mesh in HyperMesh


                                                    Objective: To model the given Hood geometry using 2d mesh, following the given Quality criteria.  Quality criteria:  S.N Quality Criteria  Value  1 Aspect Ratio  5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper      0.5 5 Min. Length 2mm 6 Max. Length 8mm 7 Min angle Quad 45 8 Max angle…


                                                    25 Apr 2020 07:54 AM IST

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                                                      CCB Assembly modeling using ANSA V19.1.2


                                                      Objective:  To mesh the components of Cross Car Beam to qualify the given quality criteria Assemble the CCB by using appropriate connections Quality criteria:  S.No  Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target/Average length   5 2 Minimum Length  3 3 Maximum Length  7 4 Aspect  3…


                                                      13 Apr 2020 01:28 AM IST

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                                                      Python script to plot different engine characteristic graphs using values derived from a valid Converge output file


                                                      Objective: Write a python script for reading the data from the given engine_data.out file. The script should satisfy the following conditions: The script should take column numbers as the input and plot the respective columns as separate images. Each file should be saved by the name of the column. The plot labels should…


                                                      13 Apr 2020 01:28 AM IST

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                                                      Modelling a rear view mirror using 3d elements in ANSA v19 1 2


                                                      Aim: To remove geometric errors and perform volume mesh using tetra elements with the given quality criteria. Procedure:  Open the rear-view mirror model in ANSA v19.1.2 using either file >> open or by using the shortcut, ctrl+o.          Do topo operation on the whole geometry to join…


                                                      13 Apr 2020 01:27 AM IST

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                                                      Bottle cap modelling using ANSA


                                                      AIM: To perform geometry clean up and shell mesh the given model of a bottle cap with given quality criteria. Required quality:  S.No  Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target/Average length   1 2 Minimum Length  0.5 3 Maximum Length  3 4 Aspect  5 5 Warpage 15 6 Skewness 45 7 Jacobian …


                                                      13 Apr 2020 01:27 AM IST

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                                                      Performing necessary connections in an FE model of a Rear door using ANSA


                                                      Challenge #: Week 6 Objective: For the given FE model of a rear door, perform all the required connections using the options under the NASTRAN deck. Procedure/methodology:  Open the given rear door FE model in ANSA V19.1.2 using the open option under the files  menu. Evaluate the different regions of the…


                                                      13 Apr 2020 01:27 AM IST

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                                                      Basics of morphing


                                                      Challenge #: Week 8 Objective: To practice different morphing techniques and discuss the various use cases of Morphing in various industries. Procedure/methodology:  Open the given model in ANSA v19.1.2 by using the open option under the files menu. Perform topo and geometry check to find out the existing geometric…


                                                      13 Apr 2020 01:27 AM IST

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                                                      Intake manifold modeling using tetra mesh in ANSA V19 1 2


                                                      Aim: To model an intake manifold using unstructured solid mesh in ANSA V19.1.2 to qualify the required quality parameters. Quality parameter: S.No  Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target/Average length   5 2 Minimum Length  3 3 Maximum Length  7 4 Tetcolapse  0.2 Procedure:  Open…


                                                      13 Apr 2020 01:27 AM IST

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                                                      Car hood modeling using ANSA


                                                      ##Comments by Grader## Nice Work Kiran. Keep Doing like this._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Aim: To clean the geometry and perform 2d meshing on the given car hood model according to the required Element Quality criteria. Procedure: …


                                                      13 Apr 2020 01:27 AM IST

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                                                      Dash board sub-parts modeling using ANSA v19 1 2


                                                      Project name: Modelling Dash Board Sub Parts Objective: To model the given CAD model of Dashboard sub-parts for CAE analysis Quality criteria:  S.No  Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target/Average length   4 2 Minimum Length  2 3 Maximum Length  6 4 Aspect  3 5 Warpage 15 6 Skewness…


                                                      13 Apr 2020 01:25 AM IST

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                                                      Modeling Rear suspension assembly using ANSA V19 1 2


                                                      Project name: Modeling Rear suspension assembly Objective: To model the given rear suspension CAD model and assemble using connections Quality criteria:  Quality Criteria for Tria Elements (Tyre and Rim): S.No  Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target/Average length   7.5 2 Minimum Length  5…


                                                      12 Apr 2020 03:18 AM IST

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                                                      Showing 1 of 41 projects