Nikith M
Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :
7 Projects
Simulating the motion of Simple Pendulum using MATLAB
Objective: To simulate the motion of a simple pendulum using MATLAB by solving a second-order ODE that represents a simple pendulum with damping. Introduction: In engineering, ODE's usually describes the behaviour of a system. In this case, our ODE describes the transient behaviour of the simple pendulum. A simple…
07 Nov 2019 08:38 AM IST
Stoichiometric combustion calculator for Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes Using MATLAB
Objective : To show a plot that compares the effect of the number of moles of carbon [`n`] on the stoichiometric coefficient [`ar`] and compare its trend changes with fuels [Alane, Alkene and Alkyne]. Introduction : Stoichiometric combustion is a concept where the concepts of combustion are easy to understand. When…
31 Oct 2019 10:19 AM IST
Computer higher order approximations using skewed and symmetric stencils
Objective: To derive the fourth-order approximation for the second-order derivative using Central Differencing method Skewed-right sided difference Skewed-left sided difference Also, to write a MATLAB program and compute the second-order derivative of the analytical function exp(x)*cos(x) and compare…
20 Nov 2019 01:00 AM IST
Linear Convection Effect of Time steps on Solution
Objective: To write a MATLAB program that solves a 1D Linear equation for various time-steps. Given Data: Length( `L` ) = 1m Convective Coeffieient( `C` ) = 1 Time step( `dt` ) = (1e-1,1e-2,1e-3,1e-4)…
05 Dec 2019 11:56 PM IST
Steady Vs Unsteady (Mid Term)
Objective: To solve steady and unsteady 2D heat conduction equation using different iterative techniques for implicit and explicit methods in MATLAB. Introduction: Assumptions: - The domain is a square domain - Number of points along the 'x-direction' is equal to the number of points along the 'y-direction'…
28 Jan 2020 03:33 AM IST
Discretization basics Numerical derivative vs. exact derivative
Objective: Write a program that compares the first, second and fourth-order approximations of the first derivative against the analytical/exact derivative. Given Function : `f(x) = sin(x)/x^3` First derivative of the function is `f'(x) = (x^3 cos(x) - sin(x)*3x^2)/x^6` The function is computed at `x = pi/3` First-order…
05 Dec 2019 11:56 PM IST
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