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Geometry cleanup and shell meshing of automotive hood

Aim:- To perform geometry cleanup, 2D meshing, quality check, and fixing the errors of the automotive hood model.   Procedure:-   The hood model was downloaded and opened in ANSA Topology of the model was checked (TOPO<FACES<TOPO).   Few geometric errors were diagnosed and they were fixed manually…

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Geometry cleanup and shell meshing of automotive hood


Aim:- To perform geometry cleanup, 2D meshing, quality check, and fixing the errors of the automotive hood model.   Procedure:-   The hood model was downloaded and opened in ANSA Topology of the model was checked (TOPO<FACES<TOPO).   Few geometric errors were diagnosed and they were fixed manually…


03 Dec 2020 06:48 AM IST

  • ANSA
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Frontal Crash of a reduced Chrysler Neon BIW substrate against a rigid wall at 35mph


Objective:- To perform frontal crash analysis of a BIW substrate against a rigid wall at 35mph.   Following steps are followed:- Check the unit system and either follow[Mg mm s] or [Kg mm ms]. Create an appropriate interface, friction 0.2, and recommended parameters. Make sure of no penetrations and intersection.…


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        Comparision between different Material Laws in Radioss


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          15 Jul 2020 08:01 PM IST

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            2D meshing and element quality check.


            Objective:- To clean up the given geometry and then mesh them with shell elements.    Quality Parameters(Given):- Parameter Value 1. Minimum Element Size 3.5mm 2. Target Element Size 5.0mm 3. Maximum Element Size 7.0mm   Solution:-   Step 1- Importing file:- Select user profile as optistruct…


            15 Jul 2020 07:55 PM IST

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              3D meshing & editing the engine file.


              Objective:-  To solve the following questions and perform 3D meshing for Housing with tetra elements(target element size =5mm, tet collapse =0.15mm) and hex mesh (target element size 10mm) for arm bracket.   Check the material properties of the rail component and calculate the speed of sound in steel rail=_______…


              15 Jul 2020 07:53 PM IST

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