Nimish Dalvi
Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :
8 Projects
Create Row and Column vector in Matlab
a) To create row vector 1 x 5 row_vector=[1 2 3 4 5] b) To create column vector 5 x 1 column_vector=[1;2;3;4;5]
12 Apr 2018 05:04 AM IST
Drag Force against a Cyclist
a) Matlab Program to Calculate Drag force for different velocities and plot graph Dragforce vs Velocity. % Calculate Drag force on a bicycleclear all;close all;clc; %Inputs%Coeff. of Dragc_d=0.75;%Frontal Area m^2A=1;%Density of Medium kg/m^3rho=1.2;%Velocity m/sv=[1:25]; drag_force=0.5*rho*A*v.^2*c_d; plot(v,drag_force);xlabel(\'Velocity\');ylabel(\'DragForce\');…
12 Apr 2018 06:01 AM IST
Create Row and Column vector in Matlab
a) To create row vector 1 x 5 row_vector=[1 2 3 4 5] b) To create column vector 5 x 1 column_vector=[1;2;3;4;5]
12 Apr 2018 05:04 AM IST
Flow over a cylinder
Aim: 1) Run a Baseline simulation and calculate Reynolds number. 2) Run transient flow simulations for each case of increase in Reynolds number by factore of 20%, 40% and 100% . 3) Create Animations for Pressure Velocity for all the cases.Theory: Boundary Layer Separation: For a external flow over a body, the detachment…
17 Sep 2020 06:30 PM IST
Flow over an airfoil
Flow over an airfoil Aim:1)Create a Model for Flow Simulation over a NACA0017 airfoil2) Run simulation for different angles of attack 0°,2°,4°,6°,8°,10°.3) Compare the lift and drag forces. Theory:Airfoil: An airfoil is term used to define the waterdrop shape of cross-section of an object…
01 Oct 2020 08:43 AM IST
Modelling and simulation of flow through a flowbench
Aim: To create a 3D model of Flowbench in Solidworks.( In this project the helical intake port is modeled) To perform Grid dependency test for three grids at a particular lift value. To create a Parametric study of Flowbench simulation at different lift values and obtain a lift vs mass flow rate plot.Theory: FlowBench:…
22 Oct 2020 10:25 AM IST
Centrifugal pump design and analysis
Aim: To model a centrifugal pump and perform a Parametric Simulation at different outlet velocities to obtain relationship between Pressure Ratio and mass flow rate.Theory: A Centrifugal pump is a mechanical device designed to move a fluid by means of transfer of rotational energy of one or more driven rotors called impellers…
10 Nov 2020 02:04 PM IST
Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs
Objective: Create a Matlab Program to solve an ODE of equation of motion of Simple Pendulum with damping and create an animation simulating the motion of the Pendulum. Theory and Methodology: The equation of motion of Simple Pendulum with…
08 Mar 2021 06:47 PM IST
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