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Week 4 - Genetic Algorithm

Aim : Write a code in MATLAB to optimise the stalagmite function and find the global maxima of the function. concept of genetic algorithm:  The genetic algorithm is a method for solving both constrained and unconstrained optimization problems that is based on natural selection, the process that drives biological evolution.…

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                  Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


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                      Week 4 - Genetic Algorithm


                      Aim : Write a code in MATLAB to optimise the stalagmite function and find the global maxima of the function. concept of genetic algorithm:  The genetic algorithm is a method for solving both constrained and unconstrained optimization problems that is based on natural selection, the process that drives biological evolution.…


                      07 Jul 2020 07:17 AM IST

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                        Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


                        Objective: write a program that solves the following ODE. This ODE represents the equation of motion of a simple pendulum with damping. Problem Statement:  In the above equation, g = gravity in m/s2, L = length of the pendulum in m, m = mass of the ball in kg, b=damping coefficient. use, L=1 metre, m=1 kg, b=0.05.…


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                                29 Jun 2020 07:06 PM IST

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                                  Week 6 - Data analysis


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                                  28 Jun 2020 11:49 AM IST

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                                    Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


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                                    28 Jun 2020 11:48 AM IST

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                                      Analysis on a plate with a hole


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                                      27 Jun 2020 09:28 AM IST

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                                        Analysis of Buckling Phenomena


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                                        26 Jun 2020 05:40 PM IST

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                                          Comparison of Bending in Beams


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                                          25 Jun 2020 06:18 PM IST

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                                            Week 5 - Curve fitting


                                            1). What does popt and pcov mean? The curve_fit function returns two items, which we can popt and pcov. The popt argument are the best-fit paramters for co.efficient a,b,c,d.(cubic) or a,b (linear).  The pcov variable contains the covariance matrix, which…


                                            22 Jun 2020 05:25 PM IST

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                                                Objective: Writing a python script to solve for the minimum value of pressure for Breaking Ice with Air cushion Vehicle using the newton raphson method. Problem Statement: where p denotes the cushion pressure, h the thickness of the ice field, r the size of the air cushion, σ the tensile strength of the ice…


                                              22 Jun 2020 10:05 AM IST

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                                                Constraint Minimization - Pen and Paper calculation


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                                                19 Jun 2020 07:13 PM IST

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                                                  Week 2 Air standard Cycle


                                         """ otto cycle simulator """ import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def engine_kinematics(bore,stroke,con_rod,cr,start_crank,end_crank): """ engine_kinematics """ #geometric parameters #crank pin radius…


                                                  18 Jun 2020 10:11 AM IST

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                                                    write code that can solve an otto cycle and make plots for it.


                                                    Objective : write code that can solve an otto cycle and make plots for it.  Problem Statement : Here are the requirements Your code should create a PV diagram You should output the thermal efficiency of the engine.  Solution Procedure : It is thermodynamic cycle which is used in internal combustion engine to…


                                                    18 Jun 2020 10:06 AM IST

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                                                      A program in python to simulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm


                                                      link for youtube: Write a program in python to simulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm, as shown in the video.  Aim: simulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm Problem statement : there is 2 link robotic arm which oscillates around theta1 and we have to plot…


                                                      16 Jun 2020 06:02 PM IST

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                                                        drag force calculations over a cyclist


                                                        Objective: Write a Python program to calculate drag force against a cyclist. Factors: The factors involved are Velocity,Drag coefficient,Frontal Area,Density of air.  a program to plot Velocity vs Drag force. drag_force=`1/2*rho*area*v^2*cd` density kg/m^3 rho=1.2   area m^2 a=0.1   drag co_eff c_d=0.9…


                                                        16 Jun 2020 05:20 PM IST

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                                                          Showing 1 of 27 projects