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Project 2

Objective of the Project: Analysis of flood levels in a river. Flood flow Computation. Flood Analysis using GIS application RAS Mapper. Steady and Unsteady analysis of flow in river.   River Reach: Selected River: Musi River, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India. Musi river is the tributary to Krishna River. Considered River…

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Read more Projects by RAVICHANDU MUNNANGI (2)

Project 2


Objective of the Project: Analysis of flood levels in a river. Flood flow Computation. Flood Analysis using GIS application RAS Mapper. Steady and Unsteady analysis of flow in river.   River Reach: Selected River: Musi River, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India. Musi river is the tributary to Krishna River. Considered River…


07 Apr 2023 01:56 PM IST

  • Catchment
  • DEM
  • GIS
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Project 1


Objective of the Question: Calculating flood levels of a river by using HEC-RAS software. Calculating flood for 25 and 100 years return period. Creating cross sections over the river. Developing a hydraulic model for a river.   River Reach: I consider Borai River in lower Tapi region. I consider and draw river with…


07 Mar 2023 03:24 AM IST

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Showing 1 of 2 projects