Modified on
14 Oct 2022 06:06 pm
Working with the Mesh Module
The Contact Sizing can be inserted for the geometry from the Model tree outline by right-clicking on Mesh → Insert → Contact Sizing
When there is a need for refining the mesh size in the contact regions of the bodies, contact sizing is used. The sizing can be used basically to create elements of relatively the same size on the bodies with face-to-face or face-to-edge contact regions. The contact sizing generates a sphere of influence internally with automatic detection of the radius and size (when relevance is selected as the type).
1.1.1 Scope:
The word ‘Scope’ in ANSYS is termed for the selection of a required component in a model that is to be considered for the application of an insertion technique. The scope consists of two sub-categories, which are discussed below.
The contact region is to be specified by the user for a particular geometry either a body or a face.
choose Relevance for providing a relative size to the contact selected (and enter a value or use the slider), or Element Size (and enter a value) for providing an absolute size to the contact body or face defined.
The Mesh refinement can be inserted for the geometry from the model tree outline by Right-clicking on Mesh→ Insert→ Refinement.
The first and foremost thing that is to be done for applying a method for the mesh is to select the geometry. There are two scoping methods in the scope for inserting a method namely, Geometry Selection and Named selection.
- The Geometry Selection tool is used to select a Geometry by the user as per the requirement by using a few tools like the body selection tool, the face selection tool or the other selection tools.
- The Named Selection is a geometry selection tool that is used to select bodies, faces, edges, or vertices which should be predefined by the user beforehand in the model tree selection. The user can define a named selection by right-clicking on the Model→Insert→Named Selection.
This is the next important part in the application of Method in the mesh is to define all the necessary types of methods and element orders. The definition tab has three subcategories namely, suppressed, Method, and element order.
This setting is used to suppress and unsuppress the mesh provided in the model defined. In some situations, there may be a requirement that the engineer needs to provide the mesh method but it needs to be suppressed. In this case, the method can be suppressed by toggling the default option from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’.
The Refinement control can be used to specify the maximum number of times the user wants to refine the initial mesh. The refinement controls can be specified for faces, edges, and vertices. The refinement values can be varied between 1 (Minimum) and 3 (Maximum)
Refinement controls are not available for the MultiZone, Patch Independent Tetra, or MultiZone Quad/Tria mesh methods, or for assembly meshing algorithms. If you are using the Automatic Method and you have enabled the Use MultiZone for Sweepable Bodies option, refinement controls on sweepable bodies behave similarly to how they behave when the Sweep mesh method is used.
Navin Baskar
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