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11 Apr 2023 07:34 pm

How Movies Shape Our Perception of Robotics: An Examination of AI in Cinema



In many respects, the daring, fascinating new world envisioned by Stanley Kubrick in his long-gestating cinematic project "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" is becoming a reality. While we are still at least a few years away from fully completed self-aware androids running and walking among us, Artificial Intelligence is here to stay.

Examination of AI in Cinema

Creating a film is a multi-stage and complicated procedure, from pre-production to post-production. However, there are a variety of ways in which artificial intelligence technology may assist in streamlining operations. AI is used in modern-day movies in some way, whether to create immersive backdrops or help in the writing of screenplays, ultimately aiding in bringing top-notch content to audiences rapidly and with more efficiency.

Let us look at how this new technology in the film industry is altering the game. Continue reading to learn more.

How Artificial Intelligence Is Leveraged in Movies

Let us look at how artificial intelligence is employed in films: 

  • Script Writing 

Choosing the right script can make or break a movie's success in the film industry. Artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up new possibilities for filmmakers by offering efficient and innovative ways of creating and analysing scripts.

AI algorithms can analyse large volumes of movie scripts and use machine learning to identify patterns, analyse themes, and develop unique ideas for new scripts. It significantly reduces the time and resources required for script development, making the process faster and more efficient.

In addition, AI can also be used to analyse existing scripts. By studying the storyline, AI algorithms can identify potential questions, uncertainties, and suggestions, making the script analysis process faster and more streamlined. It can help filmmakers make more informed decisions about which scripts to pursue and how to improve existing ones.

The use of AI in script creation and analysis is still in its early stages, but it holds great promise for the future of the film industry. As AI technology develops and evolves, we expect to see more advanced and sophisticated applications of this technology in scriptwriting. 

  • Movie Editing 

Film trailers are essential marketing tools for the movie industry as they attract potential viewers to the theatres and create hype for the movie's release. To ensure their trailers are captivating and engaging, studios must develop innovative and intriguing trailers. One way to achieve this is by using artificial intelligence (AI) to assist editors in creating these movie previews.

For instance, IBM Watson generated the trailer for the film Morgan using AI  technology. The AI technology has the ability to identify scenes with a high level of action or emotion and then highlight them for the human editor to include in the final cut. Using AI to enhance the creative process can lead to the development of more appealing trailers and increase the chances of viewership.

By utilising AI in the trailer-making process, the film industry can create unique and compelling trailers that stand out from the crowd.  AI's capabilities to analyse data and identify patterns can bring new insights to the creative process that can be used to create trailers that resonate with audiences. This approach could revolutionise how the film industry creates and markets its content, making it more effective and efficient. 

  • Movie Promotions 

The success of a film depends not only on its quality but also on the marketing and promotion strategy used to reach and engage audiences. With the increasing importance of marketing in the film industry, it has become crucial to utilise cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure a movie's box office success.

AI algorithms can analyse various data points, such as the potential viewer base, hype surrounding the film, and the actors' success worldwide, to devise effective promotional strategies. For instance, AI can identify locations with a high interest in a particular genre or film and organise special screenings or meet-ups with fans to promote the movie further.

Furthermore, AI creates targeted advertising campaigns based on individual preferences and interests. By analysing publicly available data from social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, film studios can identify individuals following a particular actor or genre and engage them with customised advertisements. This approach can increase the likelihood of the targeted audience watching the movie and further enhance the film's success. 

  • Casting 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the film industry, and its impact is not limited to the pre-production stage. AI can also be used to connect actors to movies digitally. By analysing thousands of data points describing the facial features of actors with different emotions, AI algorithms can create a digital face that can be overlaid onto a body double to preserve the actor's natural expressions.

This technology can potentially revolutionise how movies are made, mainly when actors have passed away or their characters must be de-aged or digitally created. Using this technology allows it to maintain the character's identity over time without the need for multiple actors to play the same part at different periods of life.

Moreover, this technology can be used to create new characters that are entirely digital, thereby increasing the range of possibilities for filmmakers. It can also be used to create characters that are impossible to create using traditional techniques, leading to more innovative and engaging movies.

Movies Shape Our Perception of Robotics

  • Creating Music 

As technology continues to advance, AI-based music composition tools are becoming a reality, offering new possibilities for the world of film scoring. Through reinforcement learning, AI can analyse data from a vast array of musical compositions and develop patterns that adapt to the movie's environment, depending on the genre and expected situations. Many tech companies invest in AI technologies to develop systems to learn various music styles and create new compositions. 

For instance, Sony's AI program, Flow Machines, created an AI song in the Beatles style. While there is still some scepticism around AI-generated music, it has the potential to support humans in creating original compositions for films, some of which may be used in different movie scenarios, ushering in an exciting new era of movie scoring. 

  • Predicting the Movie's Success 

The film industry is highly competitive, and predicting the success of a movie before its release is critical to making informed decisions about production and marketing strategies. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become essential in predicting a film's success.

AI algorithms can analyse a film's script and predict the potential revenues the movie may earn. While these predictions may not always be entirely accurate, they have attracted significant interest from major film studios. For instance, Warner Bros. has adopted Cinelytic, an AI-powered platform to predict the prosperity of its movies as well as box office receipts.

Also, 20th Century Fox has integrated the Merlin system that uses AI and machine learning to match movies to particular genres and audiences and provide complete demographics for any movie. Similarly, Sony Pictures has used ScriptBook, another AI-based film prediction system, to analyse 62 of its movies.

These AI-based prediction systems can analyse vast amounts of data and identify patterns that may not be evident to humans, allowing studios to make more informed decisions about movie production, marketing, and distribution. Using AI-based prediction systems can also reduce financial risks and increase the chances of success at the box office.

Movies That Showed the Power of Artificial Intelligence

Cinema industries have long explored the possibilities of artificial intelligence. From Robocop to WALL-E, AI is becoming a reality as technology advances and will continue to shape our world. To explore this world-changing technology, we've compiled a list of some of the thought-provoking movies that capture the power and potential of AI. Let's start with a classic.

Artificial Intelligence in Films 

  • Blade Runner (1982) 

Director Ridley Scott's sci-fi noir, based on Philip K. Dick's 1968 novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" paints a futuristic world where humans and artificial intelligence coexist. Replicants, almost indistinguishable from humans, are limited by their short lifespans. When rogue Replicants seek equality, Harrison Ford's character, Rick Deckard, must stop them. The longevity of Dick and Scott's vision is a testament to the thought-provoking nature of the film. Who determines consciousness? It's a question still relevant today. 

  • The Matrix (1999) 

Two decades ago, The Wachowski sisters shook the world with The Matrix, a mind-bending movie that challenged our perception of reality. In a dystopian future, humans are imprisoned in a computer-generated world by an intelligent machine race, and only Neo (Keanu Reeves), a hacker turned hero, can set them free. The Matrix’s groundbreaking special effects and thought-provoking plot continue to inspire generations of sci-fi fans, reminding us that sometimes what we see is not what we get. 

  • The Terminator (1984) 

The Terminator, a timeless sci-fi classic, not only introduced Arnold Schwarzenegger to mainstream audiences but also ignited society's fear of artificial intelligence. In the movie, soldier Kyle Reese travels back in time to prevent a robot assassin from killing the mother of the future's only hope against a lethal robot threat. James Cameron's epic raises the question of what happens when machines start thinking for themselves and if they deem humanity unnecessary. It's a thought-provoking concept that has only grown more relevant in today's world. 

  • Her (2013) 

Director Spike Jonze's “Her” explores the potential of our relationship with technology in a tech-tinged romance. Joaquin Phoenix plays Theodore, who is a lonely introvert and develops a deep emotional bond with his AI virtual assistant, Samantha, voice played by Scarlett Johansson. Despite never meeting in person, they develop a relationship that forces us to question what it takes to create a meaningful emotional connection. Set in the near future, Her taps into experiences already present in our daily lives, making it a thought-provoking and relevant film for today's audience. 

  • WALL-E (2008) 

Pixar’s WALL-E is a romantic tale of two robots, a refreshing take that skips humanity altogether. In the near future, when Earth’s resources are depleted, WALL-E, a cleaner robot, falls in love with Eva, a drone searching for biological life on the planet. It’s a touching and tear-jerking adventure that suggests that AI doesn't ultimately need humans as long as they have each other. Pixar's unapologetically sentimental animation is a reminder that love can transcend even the boundaries of technology.


Technology has completely revolutionised the film industry, with almost every aspect of the movie-making process being touched by it. The industry has had a significant impact, from recording and editing software to 3D and 4K movie technology, AI-enabled screenplay writing tools, and drones. It has resulted in new and innovative movie-watching experiences, enhanced sound effects, and modern editing tools that create a never-before-seen movie experience.

Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) is the recent blockbuster that leveraged the fullest potential of AI technologies to create the world of Pandora. This is again one of the works of James Cameron that has immensely relied on engineering technicians. To accurately create the movement of small creatures in the world of Pandora, CGI technology was used. A new filming technology known as the Deep X was utilised to capture 3D images underwater

If you're someone who is interested in learning the latest technology in artificial intelligence and making a career out of it, why not get yourself registered in an online certification course on artificial intelligence powered by Skill-Lync? Skill-Lync’s AI course is designed to help students develop practical skills and knowledge. The course covers a wide range of topics, such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and many more. The curriculum is designed to be industry-relevant, focusing on hands-on projects that allow students to gain practical experience.

Talk to our experts to understand our unique pedagogy.



Anup KumarH S




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