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Project - Speed Control of a Direct Current (DC) motor

In this project, a Simulink model for the DC motor will be first developed per the schematic shown in Figure 1. The model is prepared as the DC_motor equations. The blocks used are clock, workspace,step block, integrator,laplace tranfer,gain and scope block . Initial values without PID control J = 0.01; % Moment of inertia…

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    Project - Speed Control of a Direct Current (DC) motor


    In this project, a Simulink model for the DC motor will be first developed per the schematic shown in Figure 1. The model is prepared as the DC_motor equations. The blocks used are clock, workspace,step block, integrator,laplace tranfer,gain and scope block . Initial values without PID control J = 0.01; % Moment of inertia…


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      16 Jul 2022 02:01 PM IST

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