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Breaking Ice with Air Cushion Vehicle - Find minimum pressure with Newton - Raphson Method

Aim:  To write a python script to solve for the minimum value of pressure using the Newton Raphson Method. Objective: 1. To use the Newton Raphson Method to find out the value of pressure for h = 0.6 ft. 2. To find the optimal relaxation factor for this problem with the help of a suitable plot. 3. Tabulate the results…

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    Breaking Ice with Air Cushion Vehicle - Find minimum pressure with Newton - Raphson Method


    Aim:  To write a python script to solve for the minimum value of pressure using the Newton Raphson Method. Objective: 1. To use the Newton Raphson Method to find out the value of pressure for h = 0.6 ft. 2. To find the optimal relaxation factor for this problem with the help of a suitable plot. 3. Tabulate the results…


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      Week 6 - Data analysis


      Aim: To write a script that does Data Analysis on python. Objective: To calculate basic engine performance. Visualizing the data, i.e., to plot a graph between any two quantities according to the user's input. Compatibility check, i.e., code should exit gracefully, if a non-compatible file is provided as an input. Introduction:…


      15 Aug 2020 03:52 PM IST

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        Week 5 - Curve fitting


        Aim: To write code in python for curve fitting. Objective: To write code to fit a linear and cubic polynomial for the Cp data. To plot the linear and cubic polynomial fit curves along with the initial data points. To measure the fitness characteristics for both the curves. Theory: Curve fitting is the way we model or represent…


        06 Aug 2020 07:22 AM IST

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          Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


          Objective: To simulate the transient behavior of a simple pendulum using ODE To create an animation of its motion Problem Statement: To write a program in python that solves the ODE which corresponds to the motion of a simple pendulum with damping and to plot its angular displacement and angular velocity w.r.t. time. To…


          20 Jul 2020 03:05 PM IST

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            Week 2 Air standard Cycle


            Objective: To create python code for the Air standard cycle- Otto cycle. To find the thermal efficiency of the SI engine which runs based on the Otto cycle. Problem Statement: By considering the Engine kinematics, Geometric parameters, and Volumetric parameters. We need to find the Thermal efficiency of the Otto cycle…


            13 Jul 2020 11:25 AM IST

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              Forward kinematics of the 2R robotic arm manipulator by using the Python programming language.


              Objective: To show the forward kinematics of the 2R robotic arm manipulator by using the Python programming language. Problem Statement: For the 2R robotic arm manipulator considering the forward kinematics if the angles i.e., theta1 and theta2 are changes in that case what will be the final…


              11 Jul 2020 11:32 AM IST

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                Calculation of Drag force against a cyclist using python


                Objective: To find the Drag forces against a cyclist and To show the variation of Drag forces w.r.t velocities and Drag_coefficient and show in a graph. Problem Statement: The problem here defined is to show the result of different values of Drag force when we change the parameter viz., velocity, and drag_coefficient…


                09 Jul 2020 04:31 AM IST

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                  Showing 1 of 7 projects