1.Kinematic viscosity of a fluid can be defined as proportion of dynamic viscosity of fluid to density of that fluid. It\'s unit is m^2/s 2.Dynamic viscosity of fluid is defined as internal resistance to the flow of fluid between it\'s molecules in presence of some external force. Dynamic viscosity is given by …
C Ajay Sekar
updated on 22 Jun 2018
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23 Jun 2018 04:58 AM IST
Fluid mechanics terminologies
1.Kinematic viscosity of a fluid can be defined as proportion of dynamic viscosity of fluid to density of that fluid. It\'s unit is m^2/s 2.Dynamic viscosity of fluid is defined as internal resistance to the flow of fluid between it\'s molecules in presence of some external force. Dynamic viscosity is given by …
22 Jun 2018 02:27 PM IST
Fluid mechanics terminologies
1.Kinematic viscosity of a fluid can be defined as proportion of dynamic viscosity of fluid to density of that fluid. It\'s unit is m^2/s 2.Dynamic viscosity of fluid is defined as internal resistance to the flow of fluid between it\'s molecules in presence of some external force. Dynamic viscosity is given by …
22 Jun 2018 02:27 PM IST
Basic math definitions
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21 Jun 2018 12:40 PM IST
Basic math definitions
1. Divergence of vector field defines the degree of expansion or outward flow of that vector field. It is said to be positive if vector field moves outward and negative if vector field moves inward. 2.Gradient of vector is defined as rate of change of that particular vector. 3.Curl…
21 Jun 2018 12:40 PM IST
Matlab programming
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21 Jun 2018 10:57 AM IST
Matlab programming
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21 Jun 2018 10:56 AM IST
1A) For the bar shown in figure above F1, F2,F3 can be written as follows F1 = F1 F2 = 0 F3 = -W where -W is the weight of entire beam acting in downward direction and F1 is the force acting at node 1 which is the reaction force because the beam is supported at node 1. B) C)
02 Apr 2018 01:33 AM IST
1.Problem decription: The objective of the project is to analyze the stress and deformation of a beam and validate these results using values from analytical method. Another objective of the project is 1.1.Model description The model below is modelled with the help of ANSYS design modeller. The model description…
03 Nov 2017 01:36 PM IST
1.Problem ststement: The objective of the problem is to analyze the stress concentration in a flat plate with a hole in centre and determine the maximum deformation and stress developed in flat plate due to given load. 1.1.Model description: The model is modelled using ANSYS design modeller. The model is modelled…
14 Oct 2017 12:33 AM IST