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20 Jul 2022 06:48 pm

The Pandas Cheat Sheet You Should Know



Panda Software

Built on top of the Python programming language, pandas is an open-source data analysis and manipulation tool that is quick, strong, flexible, and simple to use. The Pandas library helps perform mathematical operations in a flexible way. This open-source toolkit is utilised by data scientists to manipulate and analyse data in order to extract information from the data. It has a BSD licence and makes manipulating the number tables, simple. It was created using Python, Cython, and C. When compared to other libraries, it performs well and is open-source software. Instead of arrays, the library offers tables for memory retrieval thereby making the use of data structures easy.


Panda Cheat Sheet

The Pandas cheat sheet will walk you through the fundamentals of the Pandas library, from data structures to I/O, selection, removing indices or columns, sorting, and ranking, to applying functions and data alignment. It will also show you how to retrieve basic data about the data structures you're working with.


**dataset refers to the variable name of the data frame**

**PD alias pandas**


Steps to Import Data


Use these commands to import data from a variety of different sources and formats.

dataset=pd.read_csv(filename) | From a CSV file

dataset=pd.read_table(filename) | From a delimited text file (like TSV)

dataset=pd.read_excel(filename) | From an Excel file

dataset=pd.read_sql(query, connection_object) | Read from a SQL table/database

dataset=pd.read_json(json_string) | Read from a JSON formatted string, URL or file.

dataset=pd.read_html(url) | Parses an html URL, string or file and extracts tables to a list of dataframes

dataset=pd.read_clipboard() | Takes the contents of your clipboard and passes it to read_table()

dataset=pd.DataFrame(dict) | From a dict, keys for columns names, values for data as lists


Steps to Export Data 


Use these commands to export a DataFrame to CSV, .xlsx, SQL, or JSON.

dataset.to_csv(filename) | Write to a CSV file

dataset.to_excel(filename) | Write to an Excel file

dataset.to_sql(table_name, connection_object) | Write to a SQL table

dataset.to_json(filename) | Write to a file in JSON format


Steps to Create Test Objects


These commands can be useful for creating test segments.

pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(20,5)) | 5 columns and 20 rows of random floats

pd.Series(my_list) | Create a series from an iterable my_list

dataset.index = pd.date_range('1900/1/30', periods=dataset.shape[0]) | Add a date index


Steps to View/Inspect Data


Use these commands to take a look at specific sections of your pandas DataFrame or Series.

dataset.head(n) | First n rows of the DataFrame

dataset.tail(n) | Last n rows of the DataFrame

dataset.shape | Number of rows and columns | Index, Datatype and Memory information

dataset.describe() | Summary statistics for numerical columns

dataset.value_counts(dropna=False) | View unique values and counts

dataset.apply(pd.Series.value_counts) | Unique values and counts for all columns


Steps to Select a Specific Part of Data


dataset[col] | Returns column with label col as Series

dataset[[col1, col2]] | Returns columns as a new DataFrame

dataset.iloc[0] | Selection by position

dataset.loc['index_one'] | Selection by index

dataset.iloc[0,:] | First row

dataset.iloc[0,0] | First element of first column


Steps for Data Cleaning


dataset.columns = ['a','b','c'] | Rename columns

pd.isnull() | Checks for null Values, Returns Boolean Arrray

pd.notnull() | Opposite of pd.isnull()

dataset.dropna() | Drop all rows that contain null values

dataset.dropna(axis=1) | Drop all columns that contain null values

dataset.dropna(axis=1,thresh=n) | Drop all rows have have less than n non null values

dataset.fillna(x) | Replace all null values with x

dataset.fillna(s.mean()) | Replace all null values with the mean

dataset.astype(float) | Convert the datatype of the series to float

dataset.replace(1,'one') | Replace all values equal to 1 with ‘one’

dataset.replace([1,3],['one','three']) | Replace all 1 with ‘one’ and 3 with ‘three’

dataset.rename(columns=lambda x: x + 1) | Mass renaming of columns

dataset.rename(columns={'old_name': 'new_ name'}) | Selective renaming

dataset.set_index('column_one') | Change the index

dataset.rename(index=lambda x: x + 1) | Mass renaming of index


Steps to Filter, Sort, and Groupby 


dataset[dataset[col] > x] | Rows where the column col is greater than x

dataset[(dataset[col] > x) & (dataset[col] < y)] | Rows where y > col > x

dataset.sort_values(col1) | Sort values by col1 in ascending order

dataset.sort_values(col2,ascending=False) | Sort values by col2 in descending order

dataset.sort_values([col1,col2],ascending=[True,False]) | Sort values by col1 in ascending order then col2 in descending order

dataset.groupby(col) | Returns a groupby object for values from one column

dataset.groupby([col1,col2]) | Returns groupby object for values from multiple columns

dataset.groupby(col1)[col2] | Returns the mean of the values in col2, grouped by the values in col1 (mean can be replaced with almost any function from the statistics module)

dataset.pivot_table(index=col1,values=[col2,col3],aggfunc=mean) | Create a pivot table that groups by col1 and calculates the mean of col2 and col3

dataset.groupby(col1).agg(np.mean) | Find the average across all columns for every unique col1 group

dataset.apply(np.mean) | Apply  np.mean() across each column

dataset.apply(np.max,axis=1) | Apply  np.max() across each row

Combining multiple datasets into 1 single dataset

dataset1.append(dataset2) | Add the rows in dataset1 to the end of dataset2 (columns should be identical)

pd.concat([dataset1, dataset2],axis=1) | Add the columns in dataset1 to the end of dataset2 (rows should be identical)

dataset1.join(dataset2,on=col1,how='inner') | SQL-style join the columns in dataset1 with the columns on dataset2 where the rows for col have identical values. 'how' can be one of 'left', 'right', 'outer', 'inner'


Dataset Statistics using Pandas


dataset.describe() | Summary statistics for numerical columns

dataset.mean() | Returns the mean of all columns

dataset.corr() | Returns the correlation between columns in a DataFrame

dataset.count() | Returns the number of non-null values in each DataFrame column

dataset.max() | Returns the highest value in each column

dataset.min() | Returns the lowest value in each column

dataset.median() | Returns the median of each column

dataset.std() | Returns the standard deviation of each column



Navin Baskar




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